Springtime, Downtime and a Taste of Things to Come
Spring has sprung here in my world, and with it comes a fresh breeze, a change of living spaces, and a new focus to my blog. Hey, folks–it is a post that is not about food. Well, not entirely, anyway. Spring is here and with it comes a fresh spurt of creative energy, a change […]
What a Crock!
So, I bought this crockpot to use during the Chili Cookoff as a warming device. I never really figured I’d cook in it much; I never much liked the way a lot of crockpot recipes turned out back in the day when they had little cutesy mushrooms screen printed on the sides in the ever […]
My Precious
Sichuan Peppercorns. Notice the tiny black seeds which are very gritty and the presence of some twiggy bits which are not really edible. No, it is not a ring. (Though, I have to say, my jade and gold wedding ring rocks most bodaciously.) My most best beloved flavor, my precious, is my hoard of Sichuan […]
Spice Girl: She Who Must Be Stopped
This is a partial view of my spice cabinet. This is one sixth of it–there are three shelves total, twice as wide as what is shown in this picture. So, I am still packing–that is a big surprise, I know. And I am on the phone with a friend, discussing putting together a series of […]
Never Again the Beans
So, I am packing. Packing, packing, packing. Boxes, boxes, tape, newspapers, styrofoam peanuts (which were leftover from the last move, three years ago), and markers make up my days and nights. I dream of boxes, tape, and more boxes, then wake up flailing and screaming, “Where did the goddamned marker go?” And then I get […]
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