Early Weekend Cat Blogging
So you get an early dose of weekend cat blogging this week, because we are heading out of town for a long-awaited and anticipated family wedding, so I won’t be here to regale you with my further adventures in cat-herding and culinary exploration until we get back on Sunday. And by then, I may be so tired that you won’t hear from me until Monday.
So, here is Princess Minnaloushe, who, yes, was named after the cat in the W. B. Yeat’s poem, “The Cat and the Moon.” And yes, I know that the cat in the poem was male, but it is not a masculine name, as Minna-hime will tell you herself. I know that you cannot really see all of her in this shot, which Zak captured, but it captured every bit of her very playful, flirty personality. She was playing hide and go pounce underneath Zak’s kimono when this was taken.
So you can see all of her most beautific wonderfulness, I included the second photograph–also taken by Zak–where Minna decided during one of our last moves that the newly emptied centerpiece basket was just her size.
And here are some links to other food-blogger’s cats here in the catosphere, I mean, blogosphere: Kiri and Taffy do what cats do best–eat and sleep–at Clare’s Eatstuff, Boo, the cat who named herself, at Masak-Masak, and Patchy Cat doing sheep guard duty at Farmgirl Fare.
Anyway, now that you have adored the most fetching cat in the universe, (she has me well-trained) I can tell you what you can look forward to when I get back.
A return to posts on Chinese cuisine: yes, I am still cooking Chinese food, I just haven’t been writing much about it. I would have had a post on Cantonese minced chicken in lettuce cups, complete with photographs today, but something went awry between blogger and my computer, and it blipped into the netherverse, never to be seen or heard from again. No amount of hitting the “recover post” button could bring it back, so I will recreate it when I come home again. Also, look out for a recipe and discussion of scallion pancakes, a specialty of either Shanghai or Beijing, depending upon which source you believe.
I may also do another post on the status of The Chinese Cookbook Project, which is still ongoing, but hasn’t been written upon.
And there will be a return of the general book reviews, as I have been a naughty Barbara, reading good stuff and not sharing. I know–wicked, wicked me.
In addition, I have a little rantlet planned on the perils of following recipes instead of one’s instinctive inner voice which says, “waitaminute–won’t that make it too tough?” It includes pictures, which if they were to be believed, the recipe was a stunning success, for the tart was magnificent to behold.
Finally, I will run an announcement of my intention to participate in the Locavores’s August Local Eating Challenge. Check out Jen’s blog, Life Begins at 30 for more information.
So, until Sunday evening or Monday at some point–hasta la vacca grande.
Or, as the hip hillbillies say, “Later, y’all.”
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Oh she IS gorgeous! I can see why she has you wrapped around her little finger.
Have a great weekend away
Comment by Clare Eats — July 15, 2005 #
Actually, Barbara is more resistant to the Princess than I am. I, on the other hand, am a fully owned subsidiary of Minnaloushe.
Comment by crazyquilt — July 15, 2005 #
Yes, Zak is completely ensnared by Minna’s wiles; I, on the other hand, can usually keep my head clear in regards to her.
Sort of, anyway.
Comment by Barbara Fisher — July 15, 2005 #
That first photo with the red is absolutely WONDERFUL. I just love it!
Comment by farmgirl — July 15, 2005 #
Yeah, I also love that pix of her peeking from the red kimono. She is definitely the princess of the house.
Comment by boo_licious — July 16, 2005 #
I HATE it when Blogger consigns those most detailed and wondrous posts to the ether. Those are always the most brilliant and time consuming as well…
Oh well…
I love the Minna pics!
Have a safe trip to the wedding! All the best to Wayne!
I’ll make sure Minna and the rest are well until you get back.
Comment by Dan — July 16, 2005 #
To warn other readers, my livejournal is mostly about Magic, pets, and sociological speculation–
I cook but mot on the professional level.
I have a website too:
that is about Magic and divination.
Have a nice weekend, Barbara & Zak!
Comment by wwjudith — July 16, 2005 #
Hi Barbara,
Hope you had fun at the wedding.
Here is my WCB#6 link. This week it’s a picture of Patchy Cat guarding his sheep from the barn gate:
Comment by farmgirl — July 16, 2005 #
Glad to know that Minna’s wiles work over the Internet, too.
Dan–the critters are all fine and happy to have us home. Thanks for everything.
Thanks for posting the link, Judith.
The wedding was fun–it was on a farm with goats, ponies, horses, turkeys, pheasants, rabbits, dogs and cats–how could have not been fun!
Oh, and Farmgirl–the links are added–thanks!
Comment by Barbara Fisher — July 17, 2005 #