Global Gastronomy
For geeks, bloggers are some of the coolest people on earth. (Don’t you even take the word, “geek” as an insult. I mean it fondly, and I say it lovingly, and I include myself in that category. Face it, if you sit and write about food–or whatever topic it is you are passionate about–all the […]
In August, Think Globally, Eat Locally
Jen over at Life Begins at Thirty brought my attention to the Locavores, and thier August Eat Local Challenge, which started as a site specific event in the San Francisco Bay Area, but has been taken up all over the country, and possibly the world, as the idea has spread over the Internet. Well, here […]
Tasty Tattoos
Zak is a good husband. He alerts me to all the good articles floating around in the blogosphere. This morning, when I should have been reading the New York Times food section, but was instead finding out that abortion clinic bomber Eric Rudolph was being sentenced to life in prison, he told me to check […]
Cooking Instincts vs. The Cookbook
It all started, because we ate out at a new, or rather, new-to-us restaurant in town a couple of weeks ago. The food was pretty good, though I really wish that folks in Ohio would learn what al dente means when it comes to cooking pasta, and they had a dessert that sounded delightful–lemon blueberry […]
Cantonese Minced Chicken in Lettuce Cups
Summer is the perfect time of year to investigate dishes which emphasize light flavors, crisp textures, and use the produce from prolific vegetable gardens. Cantonese cuisine, which is known for its skillful use of minimal seasonings, its emphasis upon contrasting textures and flavors, and colorful, artistic presentation, is a natural fit to the summertime cooking […]
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