Weekend Cat Blogging: Springheel Jack and Gummitch

Little did I know that other food bloggers besides myself posted pictures of their feline companions once a week–a practice I had gotten out of and was going to return to this weekend anyway. So, I am joining Clare Eats (Taffy and Kiri), Indira (Kittaya) and Farmgirl (Molly Doodlebug) in posting pictures of my wee […]

Enchiladas Verde

So, I had delicious leftover pinto beans. And I found tomatillos at the market. A farmer had a bunch of poblanos and Anaheim chiles. And avocados are in season. (Well, not here in Ohio–they are never in season here. But they are all over the grocery stores in various stages of wonderful.) What does all […]

Aubergine Rhapsody

Eggplant is a sexy vegetable. Voluptuously curvaceous, with a deliciously fecund heft, the typical European eggplant seduces with its glossy violet-black skin capped by a perky green stem. It looks mysterious, and very little like an egg, though apparently, the first ones were small, ovoid and white, which makes the North American common name much […]

Gussied-Up Appalachian Classic

There are certain dishes that call me back to the hills and hollows, that recall the trickle of banjo and dulcimer music wafting on a sultry mountain breeze. The wail of a fiddle breaking fancy, the cry of crows flying low over a newly planted field of warm red clay, the smell of newly cut […]

The Cook Next Door

A meme! I have been tapped for a meme! How can that be? I thought no one would -ever- ask. But, Kate, the fine lady whose wit entertains me every day at Accidental Hedonist, did tap me for the Cook Next Door Meme, and so here I am, joining the crowd, answering the questions, and […]

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