The Locavore’s Bookshelf III: Coming Home To Eat
Gary Paul Nabhan writes in the poetic phrases of a prophet, his words ringing with eloquent truth as he weaves myriad different threads of fact, memory, experience, statistic and dream into a complex narrative that is filled with the wild and domesticated flavors of the Sonoran desert. Coming Home to Eat: The Pleasures and Politics […]
Cooling Down With Heat
When it gets unbelieveably hot in August, sometimes the last thing I want to do is cook. Often, the second-to-last thing I want to do is eat. When I am sweaty and miserable, food is generally the last thing on my mind. The first thing on my mind is where I can find a nice […]
Yakitori: The Zen of Grilled Chicken
Simplicity of preparation and beautiful presentation are hallmarks of Japanese cookery. A perfectly composed meal should be a gustatory poem or a painting meant to be appreciated with all five senses, instead of just one or two. The sense of smell is engaged by the delicious odors of the cleanly prepared ingredients, carefully enhanced by […]
Edamame: They’re Fuzzy
For all that I adore Asian foods and teach Asian cooking, I don’t often cook or eat Japanese food. I am not quite certain why that is–I do like most Japanese foods, but I simply do not have as much experience with them, nor have I made a large study of them over the years, […]
Weekend Cat Blogging: Emergency Kitten Bath
Thursday night, we were sitting about watching a movie, when Indrid popped up on the couch, soaking wet, and smelling rather–unappetizing. Someone, namely, Indrid’s person, had forgotten to close the lid on the toilet, and while it had been flushed, it is still a toilet and thus doesn’t smell minty fresh, and the little bugger […]
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