Better Late Than Never Weekend Cat Blogging…

And so it is that I am late for this weekend’s edition of Cat Blogging. I was so busy yesterday preparing a feast of Indian food (and yes, yes, there will be posts all about that soon) to celebrate the return home of Heather from her sojourn in Beirut, and my daughter Morganna, that I […]


New York City’s health department is asking for all city restaurants to voluntarily give up using trans fats in their cooking. Trans fats, as we should all know by now, are the artificially hydrogenated vegetable oils that seem to be in every commercially produced baked good, snack food and fast food in the country. They […]

Childhood Food Memories

Deccanheffalump from thecookscottage tagged me for this meme a week or so ago, and I have been slow in posting, because I wanted to think about it a little bit. But, after a lot of thought, I have come up with five interesting, informative and entertaining (hopefully) childhood food memories to share with y’all. They […]

The Locavore’s Bookshelf II: Eat Here

I wonder if anyone could possibly read Brian Halweil’s Eat Here: Reclaiming Homegrown Pleasures in a Global Supermarket and fail to be inspired to do something, anything, in order to help create a grassroots local food movement in their own hometown. He sure got me fired up, in large part because while the book is […]

What the Hell Does “Sustainable” Mean, Anyway?

“Sustainable” is a term that is appearing much in the news these days, and it is often paired with the word, “local” and “agriculture,” or “foodshed.” I’d like to take a moment here to discuss what “sustainable” actually means, and then we can pair it with the term, “agriculture” to see if I can build […]

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