Weekend Cat Blogging: Animal Rescue Charities

Grimalkin and Ozy are looking cozy in these photographs we took of them in our old house last year, but that is because they had a house to live in and a big pillow to lay on. (They still have a house, but it is a different one. That pillow, however, is long gone, I am sad to say.)

While I still urge everyone to donate to the American Red Cross and America’s Second Harvest to help take care of the thousands of people devastated by Hurricane Katrina, I would also like all the animal lovers out there to remember the displaced pets of that area.

Plenty of cats, dogs and other companion animals are without homes, food or shelter, and are often separated from their families. And many evacuees are traumatized by having to leave their pets behind, as reported on CNN.

So, this week’s Cat Blogging post is dedicated to giving links to some charities which are working to help save the pets of New Orleans, Alabama and Mississippi who are in need.

Noah’s Wish is an organization dedicated to helping domestic animals who are caught in the middle of natural disasters. Friends of mine tell me that these folks do good work, so take a look at their website and maybe donate a little bit of cash, maybe the amount you would spend on a movie or dinner out.

They have already set up an emergency animal shelter in Louisinana and have an address where individuals can ship or drop off supplies such as food and medicines if you are in that area and want to help. They also offer volunteer training for those who are interested in helping out.

The Humane Society of the US is also working to help out the companion animals affected by Katrina. I don’t think I need to tell you who they are–their good works on behalf of domestic and wild animals is well known.

The HSUS also has information on disaster preparedness for your pets with lots of useful tips on how to safely evacuate and house your pets in the case of natural disaster.

You all know who the ASPCA is, or at least, I figure you do. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals also has a disaster relief fund set up to assist organizations and animal shelters who are there for the animals caught in the floodwaters of Katrina.

For more links to more pix of lots of other food bloggers happy, healthy and adorable cats, check out Clare’s place and gaze upon her adorable Kiri in a sailor suit.


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  1. What a great thing you are doing!

    Comment by Clare Eats — September 3, 2005 #

  2. So sad about Katrina. Glad the kitties are helping a very good cause.

    Comment by boo_licious — September 4, 2005 #

  3. Great post. Thank you for remembering our four footed friends and including these special links.

    Just one thing for people to keep in mind: there is no U.S. mail being delivered to many places hit by Katrina. So before you send a check or supplies somewhere, you might want to check first if it has a chance of getting there anytime soon (and if it doesn’t, try to figure out an alternative). I sent a Priority package to Louisiana on Friday and was told by the postmistress that it could be months before it ever arrived.

    Comment by farmgirl — September 4, 2005 #

  4. Thank you for highlighting the animals that need help. The Houston SPCA has taken in nearly 300 animals (as of Friday) that were rendered homeless by Hurricane Katrina. I sent in a donation and also used their wish list, went to the dollar store yesterday and bought a bunch of stuff that I’m shipping out to them Tuesday. Such a heartbreaking situation.

    Comment by Sweetnicks — September 4, 2005 #

  5. I’m really glad you took the time to mention the animals in need of rescuing too! I work at a cable news network and it was so good to see video of people donating all these supplies to help the helpless animals that needed homes and care while temporarily (if not permanently) displaced…

    Comment by Mona Li — September 4, 2005 #

  6. Thanks for all the positive comments, everyone.

    I know that my inlaws, who survived Hurricane Andrew, by weathering out the storm in a more inland office building, would never have left their dog, Sam, who weathered with them. But, having her with them provided logistical issues which were hard to overcome.

    I guess I am trying to make people aware that critters can become refugees, too, and they need help sometimes.

    My concern should probably not be too surprising–all of our cats came from rescue societies.

    Comment by Barbara Fisher — September 5, 2005 #

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