Disaster Relief for New Orleans Hospitality Workers

New Orleans is one of the top restaurant cities of the United States; as such, you know that there are a whole lot of chefs, kitchen workers, prep cooks, line cooks, dishwashers, bartenders, bar backs, servers, hosts and hostesses who are currently out of a job. Some of them evacuated, and some of them stayed behind, but most of them are looking at a situation where they are not likely to be employed in New Orleans for a long time.

In light of that, I am happy to see that not only is there a relief fund being set up specifically for the hospitality workers who put their all into making the Big Easy one of the most gracious foodie paradises our country had to offer.

Go to the Commander’s Palace website and read about the fund, and maybe throw a donation in that direction. (And while you are at it, don’t forget The Red Cross, America’s Second Harvest and Noah’s Wish.)

Once you are there, you will notice that they have also set up a message board for the restaurant workers affected by Katrina, so people can get in touch with each other and pass information back and forth about who is where, what is happening, and how everyone is doing.

Kudos to the good folks at Commander’s Palace for their work on behalf of the entire hospitality community in New Orleans.

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