Weekend Cat Blogging: Happy Birthday Kiri!

All of my kitties were invited to Kiri’s Birthday Party at Eatstuff!

But look at them!

They are all lazy and slept in.

They didn’t put on party clothes, or bring presents or bake a cake!

I have wicked, slothful kitties.

All they do is sleep.

And lounge around.

And nap.

They are good at napping.

At least Grimalkin likes festivity. As you can see–she is under last year’s Christmas tree.

It was her favorite accessory.

At least one of our cats knows how to party.

Sort of.

Anyway–Happy Birthday, Kiri–you are a handsome boy, and I know that your Clare is proud!


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  1. I am so glad you guys all had a good time LOL! That seems like a pretty perfect way to spend alot of the day!


    Comment by Clare Eats — October 30, 2005 #

  2. Hey, sleeping is a full time job for all kitties and yours do it so well just like mine!

    Comment by boo_licious — October 30, 2005 #

  3. Hey, Clare and Boo. The truth is–not only were the kitties lazy, but so was I–we all got up late!

    (We’d been out to a Halloween Pirate party the night before, so it was the first sleep in day in a long time!)

    Comment by Barbara Fisher — October 30, 2005 #

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