Weekend Cat Blogging: True Kitty Confessions

Now it is time for the kitties to make thier confessions. Not all of them were willing to confess to anything today–Jack was under the bed, camping out in his JackCave, where he wears a cape and pretends to fight crime, and Tristan was busy hiding under the other bed, where dreamed of a parade […]

Putting History in a Piecrust

I have always loved old cookbooks, and cooking from them. It is related to my belief that if I can cook and taste the flavors of a culture, I can come closer to understanding the people of that culture. In cooking and eating foods that people ate hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years ago, I feel […]

Kitchen Cabinets Unveiled

Okay, the cabinets are not hung yet, but they did get carried up from our garage and unpacked today, and as you can see, they are very, very pretty. They would have started installing them, except the man in charge of our kitchen construction was called out on an emergency job, and he couldn’t make […]

True Kitchen Confessions

I am sure she didn’t mean to create a meme. But, after reading Amy’s amusing (and somewhat familiar) culinary confessions over at Cooking With Amy, I decided that it might be a good idea for me to ‘fess up to a few things concerning my kitchen habits and cooking adventures. Like Amy, I’ll invite others […]

Hacking a Dish From Memory: Mongolian Beef

About a week ago, Kate at the Accidental Hedonist posted about the obsessive folks who attempt to perfectly recreate MacDonald’s foods at home, and she said, “Why?” Well, I posted in favor of hacking recipes from restaurants, but not McDonalds. Never Mickey D’s–that I don’t get. Because if you want a Big Mac, go out […]

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