Weekend Cat Blogging: Seven Little Kitties….
sleeping in the bed, and the little one said, “Roll over! Roll over!”
So they all rolled over and one fell out, there were six in the bed and the little one said, “Roll over! Roll over!”
There were five in the bed….you get the idea.
I don’t know how many of you know that counting song–it starts at ten, and it is usually bunnies, but in my house, it starts at seven and it is kitties.
Of course, the way the song ends is, “There was one in the bed, and the little one said, “Goodnight!”
However, there is seldom ever only one kitty in my bed.
There is always at least two.
And while my kitties have you here, looking at their cute fluffiness, they want me to remind you of the folks in Kashmir who lost homes and loved ones in the earthquake. They’d very much like it if you stopped by at Chez Pim and click on one of the links to her Menu for Hope campaign to raise funds through UNICEF for these folks. So far, the campaign has raised over $6,500 dollars , and more food bloggers are participating every day. Pim had some technical difficulties, but she is back and better than ever, so my kitties tell me (they get up and read the Internet before I do–or at least, they get up and sit at and on my desk before I do).
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Aw, thats so cute. I’m a sucker for cats.
Comment by Chris — December 17, 2005 #
Wow, it’s like snow white and the 7 cats 🙂 Very cute.
Comment by Mona — December 17, 2005 #
That is cute, but where do you get to sleep?
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Comment by clare eats — December 17, 2005 #
[…] Check out at the milk bar in action and find lots of cute kittens to adopt in Kay El atMasak -Masak Check out Jazz, taking his hatred (meeerroow!) and frustration out in the scratching post at Look honey, I cooked Check out Nala and her ultrasophisticated on demand filtered water drinking fountain (Sign me up! I want one… for Kiri of course ) at Les Carnets de sbmarie Check out Aggie being such a helpful kitty for Mum at Kayaksoup Check out the suspiciously guilty kitties who may have been very naughty! But are still very cute at Peanut butter and purple onions Check out Raffles and Moon cake, the two little kittens that have been home for a week, and read their adorable story of settling into their new home at Gastronomy Domaine Check out Trina who really just wants to play dress ups at Indy Foodie Check out all the puurrrfect xmas gifts for your special kitty at Passionate Nonchelance Check out Bussi at sunset with a great glow and working hard at Basic Juice Check out the seven little kitty’s all in bed (sooo cute!) there certainly isn’t much room for people at Tigers and Strawberries […]
Pingback by eatstuff.net » Blog Archive » WCB 28 — December 17, 2005 #
Oh, now that is just amazing! Seven kitties all in one bed! Holy cow!
Comment by KT — December 17, 2005 #
Well, the seven cats are seldom on the bed all at once. That is why we ran for the camera!
At night, usually, the maximum number of cats who sleep with us is three, maybe four.
Though, last Christmas, when our heat was out because of an ice storm, and it got down to ten degrees F in our house, we had every last cat on our bed. Gummi was a kitten and he wiggled under the covers between Zak and I. Minna was curled up under the covers against Zak’s stomach. Ozy and Tristan were curled up on the pillow above my head, and Jack was under the top quilt on my feet. Grimmy was asleep on top of both Zak and I, on top of all the covers.
Most of the time, though, now that Minna is gone, it is Grimmy next to Zak’s stomach, Gummi on top of my hip or wriggled between Zak and I, and Lenier at our feet. Sometimes Ozy or Tatter sleep on my pillow.
Now–if I am sick, and I am asleep in the bed in the daytime–any number of cats will get on the bed with me. Sometimes, all of them. That usually ends up with me waking up unable to move and I suddenly fear that I have had a stroke and my body is immobile from disability. Usually, when I wake all the way up, I realize it is because I am covered in cats, and I have to call Zak to rescue me.
I fear that I am destined to a future of “Crazy Old Cat Ladyhood.”
I guess I don’t mind.
Comment by Barbara — December 17, 2005 #
Oh, I so jealous!! I have one and I think its stopping at that. Although she’s about as demanding as 7 cats!! How do you sleep?
Comment by Jenny — December 21, 2005 #