Food Blog Awards 2005: I’m a Finalist!
Okay, I am going to do something that I am not good at doing, and toot my own horn a wee bit here, because if I don’t, Zak will bean me on the head with a pillow. So here we go–a post that is all about me. Or rather, my writing. I’m a finalist for […]
Umami From the Oceans of Asia
I think it may be the strong use of feremented condiments, sauces and flavor enhancers in Asian foods that first grabbed my attention. Of course, I didn’t have the knowledge to articulate that thought–I just was of the opinion, from the first taste, that Chinese food was “damned good,” and that I needed some more. […]
Got Umami? Soybean Ingredients of the East
Believe it or not, I did not grow up eating Asian foods. I was in high school before I ate at a Chinese restaurant. Thirteen years ago or so is when I had my first taste of Thai food. Korean–that was around a decade ago. Japanese and Indian–I started eating those regularly about a decade […]
Do You Know Umami?
When we were growing up, there learned that there were four basic tastes: salt, sweet, sour and bitter. We were told that our taste buds had special taste receptors in particular zones on our tongues that detected these four tastes and that all other components of flavor came from our olfactory sense–the sense of smell. […]
Introducing The Well Fed Network
Remember when I posted about six weeks ago, asking what food magazines people liked to read? Well, there was a reason for that. But, I couldn’t tell y’all at the time, so I kept my mouth shut and just asked my question and went on my merry little secretive way, behind the scenes, whiling away […]
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