Weekend Cat Blogging: Look, Honey! A Hallmark Card Moment

Don’t you just love it when your cats are so cute that it’s sickening?

Look at these pictures and tell me if your blood sugar doesn’t rise so precipitously that your pancreas threatens to jump ship.

This is how Gummitch and Tatterdemalion were sleeping in my chair when I came into the office. I didn’t pose them that way. No, they did that all on their own. Cute little boogers.

Cats are funny. If I was looking to take a disgustingly adorable picture of them, they would sprawl out in positions that look like they had been run over with a Mack truck or would simply sit and stare vapidly at me. But if I just keep a camera around, and be observant while pretending not to notice, they will strike these impossibly sweet poses for hours.

Or, at least minutes.

For more Weekend Cat Blogging action, check out the antics of Kiri at Claire’s Eatstuff, and find out what all of his kitty friends from around the world are up to.


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  1. they ARE adorable cute!!!

    I cannot image living without these lovely creatures, live would be so much more grey and unspectacular and lovely and sweet and funny and…. 😉

    Comment by astrid — February 4, 2006 #

  2. That first one IS a Halmark Card! You have to submit that to a contest, or something. Even the background, (that strangely patterned chair,) adds to it better than any photo studio backdrop ever could!

    Gummie and Tatter are I think the two most photogenic cats in your arsonal…er…armada…er…”Feline Menagerie.”

    Tatter is just this cute little bouncing ball of black fluff, and Gummitch has the most clearly defined, symmetrical stripes of any cat I’ve seen.

    I’ve joked that Zak got Grimalkin to be the model for the Grimalkin character for the “Nine Lives” web comic, and then Mother Nature used Zak’s caricature of Grimmy as the model for Gummitch.

    Comment by Dan — February 4, 2006 #

  3. I cannot imagine it, either, Astrid. They are wonderful companions, and they keep life interesting.

    Dan, I like the idea of a Feline Armada, myself.

    But yes, Gummi is so handsome, isn’t he? And the ‘Tater, I mean, Tatter, is such an adorable little wench. But, boy is she a wench….

    Comment by Barbara — February 6, 2006 #

  4. Aw! It makes me want another cat so they can hug! Something tells me that wouldnt be quite what would happen!

    Comment by Jenny — February 6, 2006 #

  5. Our cats actually get along amazingly well, Jenny. Especially considering how many of them there are.

    Comment by Barbara — February 7, 2006 #

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