No Note-For-Note Cooking Here
One of my stated culinary New Year’s resolutions was to make more use of my many hundreds of cookbooks and actually bother to try more recipes from them, more or less as they are written. And I have actually mostly kept to that. Okay, the Spaghetti with Creamed Eggplant and Walnuts recipe counts more as […]
New Pretties For the Kitchen
I have to admit that one of the most fun things about visiting the Smithsonian, is that the museum shops rock. Especially the shop at the Sackler. While I am in a confessional mood, I will also cop to the fact that I like dishes. Tableware. Serving pieces. Plates, bowls, cups, glasses, silverware, you name […]
Coming Home To Eat: Cooking For Myself and My Family
As most readers are aware, we were away for most of last week, visiting Washington DC. We went primarily to view the exhibition of the works of Hokusai at the Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian, but we also ended up wandering around to many of the other museums, including the new Museum of the American […]
Are You a Good Foodie, Or a Bad Foodie?
So, I was cruising through Slashfood this morning and came upon this post by Sarah Gim entitled, “You can’t be a foodie and not like…”, and it got me to thinking. (Gim references a post at Matt Bites, which I hadn’t read yesterday, but which I read today, which also is lively and interesting–I both […]
IMBB 24: Made It In 30 Minutes
When the Too Many Chefs threw down the gauntlet for this month’s IMBB, I couldn’t help but take up the challenge. Cook a meal, with as much of it being from scratch as possible, within thirty minutes, a la Rachael Ray. One of the charges book reviewers often level at Ray’s cookbooks is that they […]
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