The Locavore’s Bookshelf: What to Eat

When Marion Nestle sets out to write a consumer’s guide to food, she doesn’t mess around. She writes a big ole doorstop of a book, filled with facts and figures and some more facts and figures, and if you get tired of them, she throws a few more facts your way. The woman is a […]

Why I Eat Locally Produced, Pasture-Raised Meats

Allright, let’s talk turkey here. Actually, let’s talk cow. This is all about why I eat locally produced, pasture-raised beef*, even though it is much more expensive than the CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations) or “feedlot” produced, factory farm meats available at every Walmart, Safeway and Kroger’s in the country. My first reason is this: […]

The Spice Is Right: Sweet Or Savory Round-Up Part III

Here we are again, with the final entries into the Spice is Right II–“Sweet or Savory?” Once again, I really want to thank everyone for participating in this event with such fun, fascinating entries that have been a joy to read and write about. I hope that you all come back and play in the […]

Announcing the Spice is Right III Theme

The theme for the June edition of The Spice is Right will be–drumroll please–“The Perfumed Garden.” “What is she on about now?” I am sure you are wondering. Well, it is easy–I want you to combine edible flowers in some form or another, with spices in a recipe. You can give us cultural notes about […]

The Spice Is Right: Sweet Or Savory Round-Up Part II

We’re back again with part II of our exploration of spices in The Spice is Right II: Sweet or Savory? Rather than take up time and space with my yammering, lets jump right in and look at what the next ten participants have prepared to share with us. Strawberries aren’t in season in Canada where […]

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