A Quick Health Note

Things are quiet here at Chez Barbara, as I am camped out on the couch, “relaxing.”

I had my now biweekly prenatal checkup yesterday, and after months of my blood pressure being on the low end of normal, it hiked up alarmingly.

So while I am not on official bedrest as I was the last month of my pregnancy with Morganna, I am supposed to take it easy, which means no cooking.

Which also means less posting, most likely.

I will probably be back later today with a post about food in the news or some such, and I will start thinking of essays to write for a while to keep everyone informed and entertained, but for now, I am stuck on the couch and should probably rest some more, in the hopes that the blood pressure will chill out.


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  1. Best wishes to you in the “home stretch”…. I know all your readers are wishing you the best as we await your next post.

    Comment by Tammy — September 14, 2006 #

  2. Give baby Kat all the warmth she needs in her last few days in your womb. Take care and all the best to you both!

    Comment by Manisha — September 14, 2006 #

  3. Feel well, Barbara, and do take it easy!

    Comment by Hadar — September 14, 2006 #

  4. Sending good energy your way today.

    Comment by Lydia — September 15, 2006 #

  5. Barbara, I’m sending chilled-out thoughts to you and Kat (and a strong image of a nice Britsh cuppa to you both)…


    Comment by Steph — September 15, 2006 #

  6. It is good to take a Omega-3 supplement during the last 2 trimesters of preg and during breast feeding for the brain development of the baby. A supplement that is approved for pregnant women is called Expecta by Enfamil, though there are plenty of Pre-natals now with DHA (a form of Omega-3). Coming to why this is relevant is that as a side-effect of taking this supplement, my blodpressure has now dropped to normal. Talk to your doctor about it. Good luck.

    Comment by ash — September 15, 2006 #

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