The Best Laid Plans of Moms and Babes….

Yeah, I have been lax at posting for the past several days.

All is well. Kat just had a spot of the tummy issues, and so has not slept much at night.

Which means Mom hasn’t slept much at night.

And there has been a seemingly endless round of medications, vet visits, and cleanups from various critter or child effluvia for the past four or five days.

And so, it makes me tired.

And here, I had several big posts worked out for this week…..

But, I will get to them.

Someday soon.

Until then, look for a post later today on a Chinese recipe that doesn’t qualify for my Simple Chinese Recipes series, but is yet tasty and good, and yet another way to cook Kale in a tasty Indian style.

I’m off to write–finally!


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  1. Dear Barbara,
    Sorry to hear about Kat not doing well. As I recall, the earliest part of Spring brought sickness to the house. Rest when you can. I do enjoy your thoughts and recipes. I wish I was there to watch your brood for a few hours so you could rest.

    Be well,

    Sue in Kansas.
    (Don’t worry, I’m NOT a Republican.)

    Comment by Sue — March 29, 2007 #

  2. Sue–you are sweet!

    And you made me giggle!

    You know, lots of conservative folks read this blog. Believe it or not, but I am linked to by some very conservative, religious bloggers. I find it odd, myself, but I am flattered that my writing appeals to a wide audience.

    Besides, I have a few Republicans in my family, and of course I love them! 😉

    Comment by Barbara — March 30, 2007 #

  3. Sorry to hear that Kat, the Cutest Baby in Red, has been having tummy troubles and not letting her mommy sleep. Here’s hoping that all is right soon enough – in fact, I see that you posted two more fabulous recipes and I’m off to Bombay Bazaar tomorrow to stock up on what I don’t have. We are lucky here in SF that we already have great tomatoes from all the little organic farms in the Bay Area. Sour and tangy are my favorite tastes!
    Take care, get well and give your loved ones an extra huge from SF Nancy!

    Comment by Nancy — March 31, 2007 #

  4. Nancy–the tummy issues are related to starting solids. Her digestive system is catching up, and doing so nicely, with some help of juice and a bit of coaxing.

    So, be prepared for another cute picture of her this weekend, as well as an update on her adventures of the week.

    As for your fresh tomatoes–sigh. I am ever so jealous of the climate in the Bay Area–it is just gorgeous. As much as I love Appalachian Ohio–and I do, or I would not be living here–I also adore San Francisco, and have to visit there every few years.

    It is just too lovely. And the food—ah. More sighing.

    So much goodness.

    Let me know what you think of the recipes.

    Comment by Barbara — March 31, 2007 #

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