The Week From Hell
I guess it is obvious that I have not posted anything in over a week.
There is a reason for that.
It all started last Friday night.
Kat developed a fever. When we woke up Saturday morning, it was up to 104.1 F.
This was upsetting, obviously, not only because we didn’t know what was causing it, but because this is the first time she has been sick, and of course, the pediatrician’s office was not open.
(Why is it that kids only get really sick when the doctor’s office is closed?)
So, we called the doctor’s answering service, and he called back quickly. We had sponged her off and given her Tylenol and the fever had come down to a more acceptable 101.5. He said we were doing the right thing, and to keep doing it, and he suggested we use Motrin in addition to the Tylenol if the fever went above 103 again. And we were only supposed to go to the ER if the fever soared and would not come down or if she manifested any symptoms other than the sniffles.
Well, we held on until Monday, keeping her dosed up on anti-inflammatories and giving her plenty of fluids. Then we took her to the doctor, and he checked a urine sample, because he had caught some kids with this virus which has been going around with UTIs, which are really bad for babies.
Meanwhile, Tristan, my thirteen year old Siamese cat, died on Saturday night. He has been sick with chronic upper respiratory disease his entire life, and it was finally too much for him. We had been medicating him, but the stress of being medicated did him in. I found him Sunday morning.
Morganna came back from her work housesitting and dogminding with asthma and allergy issues from the dog hair, so she was not feeling well.
The kitten fell into the toilet, which thankfully, was flushed and clean.
Then, she jumped onto my bed, because that is the first place to go if you fall into water, apparently.
Kat’s fever stopped abruptly, and we felt like all was well.
Morganna developed a UTI.
So, off to the doctor Morganna went.
They prescribed her with sulfa, because she, like me, is allergic to penicillin.
She has developed an allergy to sulfa, too, just like I have. She broke out into spots and then started vomiting in the wee early morning hours.
Kat also broke out into a blotchy red rash.
And then Kat’s doctor called us to tell us that her urine culture had come back with a high amount of bacteria. So, back to the doctor both of them went. (Meanwhile, another cat is sick, and my allergies go into overdrive–some sort of pollen must be out and about attacking me viciously.)
Zak is now on a first name basis with the pharmacist.
We still have a cat who is sick.
Kat had what is called “roseola,” which is caused by one of the gazillions of herpes viruses that lurk around and attack humanity. All it really does is give a high fever, some sniffles, loss of appetite, body aches, crankiness and sleepiness. The worst is the fever, which can cause complications. Then it all goes away, and the rash comes on.
As for her urine culture, they took a second one on Thursday, and we will hear the results of it on Monday after it has had a chance to grow all weekend.
It may be that there is a structural problem with her urinary tract, but until we know for certain, I won’t go into it.
Morganna is fine, and is back at her dogsitting post. No more sulfa for her ever again.
Next week, she will be going to New Hampshire and NYC with Zak’s parents.
One cat is still sick, but it is probably nothing.
My allergies are still awful, but I can live with it.
The kitten has not fallen into any toilets recently, but she keeps trying to get stepped on. Currently, she is trying to destroy an area rug which apparently needs to be attacked violently and mercilessly. It must be an evil rug.
The upshot of all of this is that I will be back to talking about food, Chinese food in particular, on Monday or Tuesday. I promise.
God willing, and the creek don’t rise, as they used to say back home in West Virginia.
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HUGS to all! And everyone get better soon.
Comment by Sherri — August 4, 2007 #
Sending everyone get-well-soon vibes and lots of good wishes!
Comment by Nupur — August 4, 2007 #
Hiya Barbara, hope everything calms down for you soon – sorry to hear you are all having such a bad week.
Comment by Steph in the UK — August 4, 2007 #
Yikes, you’re getting all your disastering in one go. I hope it’s out of everyone’s system very very soon.
I’m sorry about the loss of kitty, too.
Comment by Kitt — August 4, 2007 #
It sounds like a miserable and scary week. I’m relieved to hear that everyone seems like they’re going to be fine. Meanwhile, rest up and relax if you can.
Comment by Kalyn — August 4, 2007 #
So sorry to hear the awful news! Will be sending good vibes.
We spent the last couple of weeks with a husband/daddy down bad with lymes disease.
The worst is having sick kids, the WORST.
Comment by nika — August 4, 2007 #
As soon as I read Kat’s fever was 104, I suspected in the end you would tell us it was roseola. My little guy (now 2.5 years) developed a nasty case of it a few days before Christmas when he was 14 months old. It was his first illness and we panicked too. He got the rash on Christmas Day.
So sorry to hear about your horrible week. Yucko. Hopefully it can only get better from here.
Comment by Eljae — August 4, 2007 #
*hugs* to all, and sympathies on the loss of your cat.
Comment by Charlotte — August 4, 2007 #
Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about the kitty, but glad that Kat and Morganna are recovering. I hope everything settles down for you soon–you should be due some good things now, right?
Yes, when Rocket fell into the toilet as a kitten, the first place he went was the bed, to snuggle with Daddy.
Comment by Lucy — August 4, 2007 #
Those high fevers with babies are so scary! I so sympathize. Our daughter had the same thing this past spring, only without the rash (doctor said later it was all similar stuff that babies get) and we went to emergency room because we also panicked and could only speak to a useless nurse. Glad to hear your doctor called you back. Hope everything else turns out to be harmless as well.
And I am sorry to hear about your cat. Losing pets is hard. 🙁
Comment by Laura — August 4, 2007 #
That truly is the definition of a week from hell.
I’m so sorry for your loss of Tristan. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping things settle down soon.
Comment by SusanV — August 4, 2007 #
Thinking good thoughts towards you-all.
Comment by wwjudith — August 4, 2007 #
gosh!! i cant even begin to imagine what the family went thru. here’s hoping all are well soon…..cheers!!
Comment by arundati — August 4, 2007 #
Oh wow – I wondered if there were problems when I saw no new posts but I never imagined all the troubles that have been flooding your house. Much love, much caring and much healing vibes coming from SF! Take care of yourself; if you get sick, the second coming truly will be nigh! At least you have a kitten on guard patrol for who knows what that evil rug will get up to if not watched carefully.
Comment by Nancy — August 4, 2007 #
Every time I think I have a crappy week, someone always beats me, hands down.
here’s to a few months of blissful boredom…
Comment by lisa the waitress — August 5, 2007 #
I’m so very sorry! What a terrible week.
I think being sick in the heat of summer is much worse that being sick in winter. The heat and humidity seem to conspire to make even the mildest cold feel like the flu.
In winter you can cuddle with big mugs of tea and steaming bowls of soup. In summer you just sit in a puddle of sweat and suffer.
Blessings upon your entire household.
Comment by John Thornton — August 5, 2007 #
Good Heavens!!!
Get well Soon!! Take care.. love and hugs to all of u!!
Comment by Manasi — August 5, 2007 #
Oh My God!!
How did u cope with all these things cominng together?
I know its very hard to be strong and not to panic which i always do with my 6 yr old. But u are very very strong!!take care and hope everyone gets better soon!!
Comment by padmaja — August 5, 2007 #
Dear Barbara,
I’m so sorry to hear that you had such a hard time. It truly sucks when everything comes crashing down. I hope you and your family are on the mend. I was sorry, also, to hear about the loss of Tristan. Try to get some rest.
Take care,
Comment by Sue — August 5, 2007 #
I read your post with dismay and wish you the best. Take care. Best wishes.
Comment by Dan Jenkins — August 5, 2007 #
It’s like buses – all the problems come along together. When I was young my dad took me to hospital A&E and reported a temperature of 104C. I don’t remember this myself, but apparently the nurse smiled and said patronisingly that she’d measure my temperature properly. Dad tells me that the look on the nurse’s face when her thermometer showed 104C was something to behold. Hope everything sorts itself out for you soon.
Comment by Trig — August 5, 2007 #
Sending get well wishes and prayers for recovery to all of you!
Comment by aa — August 5, 2007 #
Gee.. What a terrible week! I am so sorry about your cat. I wish speedy recovery for everyone, especially little Kat. Take care. -Jill-
Comment by Jill — August 5, 2007 #
Ouch. Sorry to hear about your cat, but I’m glad things are looking up.
Comment by Jim — August 6, 2007 #
Sorry to hear bout T passing on. Now Misha has someone to frolic with!
Glad the scare passed with the little one. Hope it all works out for her. Saw Morgana and Zak last night in passing. Poor kid with the inherited snot-locker problem.
Take a deep breath and call if you need help.
Comment by Bryian — August 6, 2007 #
And to top that all off, Saturday and Sunday, you had some freak making bunches of noise in your basement…
Comment by Dan — August 6, 2007 #
My goodness! Isn’t it awful how things tend to snowball?
Yes, children and pets always get sick when the doctor/vet is closed.
Sorry about the loss of your Siamese.
Though, I must admit I smiled when I heard about the kitten in the toilet.
Comment by Neohippie — August 6, 2007 #
Oh gosh, all that is just awful! I am so sorry to hear about your kittie. Scary to have everyone sick at the same time. Please take care of yourself as well.
Comment by Diane — August 6, 2007 #
What a time! Sending lots of healing thoughts your way!
Comment by Courtney — August 7, 2007 #
That certainly sounded horrible, I would be thoroughly demoralised. Though if it’s any comfort, I’ve always been told that “Better a series of little misfortunes than one single big one”.
Hope you’ll have better days ahead.
Comment by beaulotus — August 9, 2007 #
Thank you all for your kind words. I am still missing Tristan, as he had been with me for twelve years. Worse, our oldest cat, Ozy, who is seventeen has been missing him horribly and still looks for him around the house. They have been best friends for years.
In other news, Kat is fine. The rash is well gone, and her appetite is back–as can be seen in the newest post. Morganna is well again and is in New York City, visiting with Zak’s parents.
Zak and I are both fine, happily getting stuff done around the house. We have a new couch and bookshelves that came in yesterday, and we have been moving books around and finally unloading them from boxes where they have sat lonely for two years. The last bits of unpacking from the move are finally happening!
Thank you all again!
Comment by Barbara — August 9, 2007 #