Back In A Restaurant Kitchen–At Last!
This is just a quick, jubilant post.
After years of being out of restaurant kitchens, I am going back in–and I am thrilled about it.
I am going to be cooking about twenty hours a week at Restaurant Salaam here in Athens. (For longtime readers, you might remember Salaam as the place where we had our unusual baby shower with the henna belly blessing and the amazing bellydancer, Eli.) It is very exciting, because I had planned on talking to the owner and chef, Hilary, about working with her a few nights a week, just because I needed to get out of the house and wanted to go back to restaurant work. Zak had been reminding me, and then I caught the cold, and then Kat caught it and everything went jumbled–I personally think it is not good form to go asking for a job when coughing like an emphysema patient.
But tonight, when we went in to eat, there was a tiny sign on the door that said, “Dependable kitchen help needed.”
Hilary came to seat us, and I asked about the job, and she said, “Who are you thinking about?”
When I said, “Me,” she didn’t even blink and answered without hesitation, “You’re hired.”
That was the easiest job interview I have ever had. (This blog was my resume, I think–Hilary has been an avid reader for a while now, as she is another super-creative foodie. )
So, after we ate, Hilary took me around, showed me the tiny, but efficiently laid out kitchen, and introduced me to all of her staff.
I can’t tell you all how excited I am. She even wants me to come up with dinner specials!
I start on Wednesday.
I can’t wait!
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That’s so exciting! Congrats!
Comment by Cindy — October 25, 2007 #
Congratulations .. and All the very best..:D .. U must be excitedd…I can feel from ur post..hehhe
Comment by Siri — October 25, 2007 #
Man, as if Salaam could get any better. I live for that place (even picky husband loves it) – congrats!
Comment by Tammy — October 25, 2007 #
Congratulations! Enjoy yourself! That sounds like wonderful news for you.
Comment by Dan Jenkins — October 25, 2007 #
I’ve never commented, but I have truly enjoyed your posts on chinese cooking. Thus, I am thrilled that now perhaps you will be giving us some insight into middle eastern cooking as well. Also, having spent most of my adult life working in restarants – there is nothing like it. I’m so happy you’re so excited to come back. Non-restaurant people will never understand the thrill of restaurant life.
Comment by Sara — October 26, 2007 #
Congratulations! That sounds fantastic! I only wish I was close enough to come and eat there! Those dolmades alone looks as if they’d be worth the trip!
Comment by Nicole — October 26, 2007 #
What a fun way to get a job! Congratulations!
Comment by Emily Cartier — October 26, 2007 #
Congratulations! That sounds like such a fun and wonderful opportunity! I wish I were close enough to stop by the restaurant and sample your cooking.
Comment by Danielle — October 26, 2007 #
Congratulations! I’ll be interested to see what kind of dinner specials you come up with! I may have to talk my husband into making a little day trip to Athens one of these days…
Comment by valereee — October 26, 2007 #
This is horrible! I have to pay for your cooking with money instead of my undying praise? What will Dan do? Poor boy will starve to death… 😉
Seriously, congratulations. I know you have been itching to get back out into the world, as much as Athens is the world. I hope they know how luck they are to have you.
Comment by Bryian — October 26, 2007 #
CONGRATULATIONS! That is fabulous and the restaurant has just gained a top class chef! If I didn’t live on the other side of the point, I’d be there in a thrice.
Comment by Mamlambo — October 26, 2007 #
Wish I were in Athens now so I can come to the restaurant and eat your lovely food! 😀
Comment by Maninas — October 26, 2007 #
Congratulations! Very exciting. Does it count as trade secrets if you tell us about the dinner specials you create? 😉
Comment by Alison — October 26, 2007 #
I am looking into my crystal ball and seeing the future — foodies from all over the world, flying into Athens for a table where you are cooking. Good eats indeed! and good luck – but then, you make your own luck with your skills and your grace and your joy in the world.
Blessings BE!
Comment by Nancy — October 26, 2007 #
Best of luck, Barbara!
Comment by Grace — October 26, 2007 #
Any chance of takeout being delivered to Southern California? Congratulations.
Comment by Maureen — October 29, 2007 #
Smart lady to hire you. ;^)
Comment by donna — October 29, 2007 #
Congrats! I hope you really enjoy the work!
Comment by Castiron — November 3, 2007 #