Food Blogger: MIA–Again.
The laptop upon which I do all of my work died a sad, spluttering death over a week ago, which is why I have not really answered email or worked on updating the blog. During that week, many other things were happening, too many for me to move all of my data over onto the functioning desktop computer so I could return to the blogosphere and the Internet in general.
But, all of those things that were going on: three birthdays (Kat’s second birthday and Zak’s fortieth, and Kim’s twenty-third), and the Southeastern Ohio Paw Paw Festival, for two examples, were food-heavy events which were laden with photo-opportunities and blogging possibilities.
So, I just spent an hour editing and uploading over twenty photographs to be included in the blog posts where I will be catching everyone up on all of my doings for the past however many days and days and days it has been since I have sat my butt in the chair to actually do some writing.
Oh, and the photograph of Kat playing on my laptop notwithstanding, she had nothing to do with its demise. It was something else entirely. No, I just thought that it was too cute of a picture not to use.
And, now, I will post this and go on to write real posts about really much more interesting topics, like cheesecakes, freshwater shrimp, anaphylaxis, (yes, I spent part of last night in the ER with my throat and tongue swelling, and scared to death. Thank you, Dan, for driving me and staying with me), toddler birthdays and regional food festivals.
At least I have a place where I can sit down and write as well as interact with the rest of the virtual world beyond the borders of my own personal life.
And yes, I am fine. No, we are not certain what caused the allergic reaction, but I have an appointment to have a blood test on October first at my regular physician’s office. And yes, I promise to take good care of myself. I am carrying liquid benedryl around with me all the time now, just in case.
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Aaack! about the laptop and Double Aaaack! about the anaphylaxis! So glad you’re okay, I hope they can pinpoint the cause easily. I’m a huge fan of Benadryl, and it only occurred to me to keep liquid *and* pills handy after my daughter got a rash from handling spinach. Make sure you get an epi-pen, too.
Looking forward to your updates.
Comment by Kristi — September 22, 2008 #
I was worried about you!!
And also your family. Happy Birthdays, Kat and Zak– I hope the good bits faaaaaar outweighed the bad ones, although any day that includes ER and anaphylaxis is the wrong kind of red-letter.
GoodWishing for the resolution.
Comment by wwjudith — September 23, 2008 #
I was wondering what was going on up there. I’m glad to hear that things went well for the Shrimp day and that you survived whatever allergic reaction.
What would a birthday be for our disjointed family without such excitement?
Glad that you’re better and that your laptop (or some computer) is back up and running.
Comment by Tomcat — September 23, 2008 #