Shrimp Day, Part Two: Zak’s Birthday, Such As It Was
There you see the smiling birthday boy, with his birthday dinner, about an hour before disaster struck. See, here is the thing: Zak was feeling a little midlife-crisisish over the fact that he was turning forty, so I decided to make a nice special birthday for him. Kat had other ideas. She woke us up […]
Shrimp Day
Saturday morning, September 20th. I awoke to a gorgeous early autumn day: brilliant blue sky, sweet, cooling breezes with just a hint of crispness to them, and glorious sunlight filtering through the whispering sycamore and pawpaw leaves. My nose twitched once, and I knew–I just knew–it was Shrimp Day. I could feel it in my […]
Food Blogger: MIA–Again.
The laptop upon which I do all of my work died a sad, spluttering death over a week ago, which is why I have not really answered email or worked on updating the blog. During that week, many other things were happening, too many for me to move all of my data over onto the […]
Tomatoes That Taste Like Tomatoes
My parents came to visit two weeks ago, and wanted to stop by the Athens Farmer’s Market in search of one thing: Tomatoes that taste like tomatoes. Apparently, the farmers around Putnam County, West Virginia, where my Mom and Dad live have taken to growing tomatoes that are perfectly round, beautifully red, and look lovely, […]
Tunisian Lamb, Eggplant and Chickpea Stew
Have I ever said how much I love the combination of eggplant with lamb? To me, it is a match made in heaven. The rich flavor and tender chew of the lamb goes perfectly with the velvety, melting quality and delicate scent of the eggplants, and the way in which eggplants soak up oils and […]
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