Holiday Week Woes

I have a nearly finished post, with just the recipe left to write, that I was working on last Monday, but I never got to post it, because I took Morganna to the doctor, who then sent us to the ER.

She was having severe abdominal pain, and he thought it might be appendicitis–and it still may be that, we just don’t know. We spent the entire day in the ER, then she was released with the theory that it was just a virus, but with no elevated white cell count and no fever, that seemed unlikely. We went to see her doctor again the next day, and he scheduled her for an ultrasound to rule out an ovarian cyst, but of course, since it was Thanksgiving week, the soonest we could get her in was today.

So, Morganna spent the week in pain, and I spent the week in worry. We did have a Thanksgiving meal, but it was pretty quiet. (However, we discovered that Kat really likes turkey. A LOT.)

So, I will be finishing the post today and I’ll let everyone know what is up with Morganna as soon as we know something.

Then, I will catch everyone up on what else has been going on and post some more recipes–I have some really nice ones lined up.

Gotta go take Morganna back to the hospital for her ultrasound. See you later!


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  1. Oh gosh, Barbara – I am so sorry to hear that. I hope Morganna gets a quick diagnosis so she can get the right treatment and start feeling better. My thoughts are with you.

    Comment by Diane — December 1, 2008 #

  2. Wish all of you the best and hope it turns out to be nothing serious.

    Comment by Maureen — December 1, 2008 #

  3. Dear Barbara,

    Hi, I’ve been a lurker on your website for well over a year now. I hope that Morganna will get better really soon!

    Comment by huda — December 1, 2008 #

  4. Oh dear, hope Morganna feels better soon and the doctors figure out whats wrong. All the best.

    Comment by alexis — December 2, 2008 #

  5. Keeping all of you in thoughts and prayers.


    Comment by Dolores Jones — December 2, 2008 #

  6. Oh no!! I had a very similar thing happen a few years ago. They kept me in the hospital for 6 days (yes – I was bored to death!!) and then sent me home with a shrug. I was told to call the doctor if the pain came back. They never really were sure if it was an appendicitis or ovarian cyst but after a couple months of getting scared every time I had any kind of pain, I asked the doctor to take my appendix out.

    I never had a fever or the elivated blood count – just the pain.

    I hope she feels better soon. I truly sympathsize!!


    Comment by Dana — December 2, 2008 #

  7. When I was around Morganna’s age I too ended up in the ER for an ovarian cyst that ruptured. It was one of the worst pains I have ever experienced–and I’ve had 2 kids, which was only worse because of how long the pain lasted. Anyhoo, I hope you get it all straightened out. 🙁

    Comment by Laura — December 2, 2008 #

  8. That’s a heck of a way to spend Thanksgiving. Here’s hoping that you get a diagnosis very soon and that Morganna gets well. Blessings on Little Kat for the love of turkey and Blessings Be on your whole family.

    Comment by Nancy — December 2, 2008 #

  9. Oh, my gosh. I’m holding my thumbs for Morganna.

    Comment by Mary Ann Dimand — December 2, 2008 #

  10. Barbara, my thoughts and prayers are with you – I hope it’s nothing serious and that Morganna is back up and running soon. Then you will be able to relax and feel properly thankful, which must have been difficult this week!

    Comment by Meg — December 3, 2008 #

  11. barbara, my thoughts are w/ you and morganna. i hope that all is well, now.

    my friend turned me on to your site this past summer. i enjoy your posts and your take on indian-inspired dishes. (i am a 1st generation punjabi, indian-american, born & raised in baltimore.)

    i’ve wondered, fr/ time to time, what inspired the name of your blog.

    i can’t wait to try the yogurt-marinate salmon.

    thanks for a wonderful blog!

    Comment by Sharan — December 3, 2008 #

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