Weekend Cat Blogging: A Get-Well Wish for Clare!

Clare, the cat-loving lady behind the delicious blog, eatstuff, was in the hospital all this week after being bitten by her beloved cat, Kiri. The unfortunate incident that led to this hospitalization had to do with a dog running loose who scared Kiri while Clare was holding him; the poor boy was terrified and trying to get away from the dog to defend himself, and ended up hurting his favorite person in the world instead.

And the bites got infected, so, Clare has been laid up for quite some time, eating horrid hospital food and missing her kitty.

My kitties had heard about the theraputic value of laughter, so some of them decided that they should look as silly as possible, in order to make Clare laugh, so she will get better sooner.

So, here they are–at their best:

To the left, we have the new girl on the block–Dandelion–which, as we know, is likely to be here temporary name, until we discern more personality and give her a permanent name.

While she looks like she is some sort of minion of the Dark Lord doing her Gene Simmons impersonation in this picture, in truth, she was yawning. She is actually a very sweet and playful little cat who is getting along famously with everyone else, so much so that while we have more cats than we have had before, we also have more peace in the house.

Go figure.

Lennier now has a new nesting spot. It is close to the sacred spigot from whence the spring of blessed water flows.

He lays there and waits for me to turn the water on, and then will let it pour over him.

He fell in the bathtub with me yesterday, and swam around, quite unconcerned, jumped out and then dried himself off, then jumped back up on the side of the tub and watched me finish washing my hair.

He really is an alien in a cat suit, I swear.

Here is Gummitch looking rather inebriated.

However, no catnip was involved in the creation of this picture–he was playing hide and seek with Dandelion, and was coaxed out of his hiding place by yours truly who called him repeatedly, with the camera focused and ready to get the shot.

I am not sure why his eyes look crossed, though. They just do. It may be that he is walking about in a constant daze–I believe that he is in love with Dandelion. He certainly acts smitten–he follows her around, is solicitous of her, he smacked Grimmy when she tried to bully them, and has been doing his best to look handsome and manly when Dandelion is near him. Which she nearly always is, because he is always near her.

Earless, he looks like some sort of long-nosed seal–or maybe a walrus–look at those whiskers.

So, if Gummitch is the Walrus, I guess that makes Lennier the Eggman.

And speaking of Lennier, here he is again, taking such tender care of his bestest girlfriend, Tatterdemalion.

Look how gently he washes her.

And he is washing her, not trying to strangle her.
At least, I don’t think he is trying to squeeze the life from her.


For more well-wishing to Clare from cats around the international blogosphere, check in with Foodie Farmgirl at Farmgirl Fare and Boo at Masak-Masak.

They are the generous and delightful hostesses of this very special edition of Weekend Cat Blogging.

So–Clare–my cats and I hope that you got at least a giggle from their antics, and that it will hope you get well soon–we’ve been worried about you.


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  1. Love your cats ~ they have so much personality.

    Comment by linda — November 12, 2005 #

  2. OMGF! My cat Libby lays in the sink as well and loves water. What kind of cat is Lennier? Libby is Siamese so I was wondering if the water thing was particular to the breed.

    Comment by momstheword — November 12, 2005 #

  3. I meant OMG! I do not know what the F stands for except in ROTFLMAO, which I am!

    Comment by momstheword — November 12, 2005 #

  4. Hey, Linda–some might say they have an overabundance of personality, but not I. I like them that way. Little blah lump cats that just sit around and sleep are no fun. I like em to be odd.

    Moms–that “F” stands for “floor”, as in “Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off.”


    Lennier is half-Siamese, and half–I don’t know what. Alien, I think.

    None of my other Siamese cats have been partial to water–the one I grew up with, in fact, when we had to bathe her, would literally climb a brick wall to get away from the water.

    Tristan, who is also Siamese, doesn’t care for water, though he will sometimes dip his paw in the water bowl to drink. He also will pick up individual pieces of catfood with his paw and carry them to his mouth. Lots of Siamese cats I have known have done that.

    If they had thumbs–we would all be in dire trouble.

    I just think that some cats really like water–for whatever reason.

    Comment by Barbara Fisher — November 12, 2005 #

  5. Auntie Barbara

    I want to be Tatterdemalion as I would love to be licked like that! Each kitty is so adorable just like me. I am sure they will cheer Auntie Clare and Kiri.

    Lots of love

    Boo the cat

    Comment by boo_licious — November 12, 2005 #

  6. Eldest Cat is sending waves of scorn at the screen, wondering why photography equipment is permitted in the sacred presence of a feline.

    Yougest Cat wants to know why nobody lets *him* lie in the sink and get wet.After all, a few damp footprints on the sheets never *really* hurt anyone…

    Both of them send get well wishes to Claire, for anyone who likes cats that much must be a True Goddess.

    Comment by Kris — November 12, 2005 #

  7. awwww. 🙂 cute, cute, cute!

    i had a kitten named tatterdemalion once (it’s really sometimes just an impossible name *not* to give a kitten!). we called him “lion” for short (pronounced like “liam” with an “n”). as he was the 3rd cat in my 1-bedroom apartment, though, i was persuaded to give him to a friend, whose new girlfriend promptly re-named him “arthur,” which she thought, in some misguided way, would go well with her already-named “titania.” those cats never did get along!

    Comment by tyratae — November 12, 2005 #

  8. Boo Cat–You are welcome to visit anytime you like. Lennier, Gummitch and Tristan all like to wash other cats. They are just very nurturing that way.

    Photographic equipment is a means by which to worship the sacred cat, Eldest Cat.

    Tatterdemalion is a much better name than Arthur. Oberon would have gone better with Titania. Silly friend!

    Comment by Barbara Fisher — November 12, 2005 #

  9. Okay–
    “i had a kitten named tatterdemalion once (it’s really sometimes just an impossible name *not* to give a kitten!)”

    What does this mean? I am a relative cat newbie, I guess, because I had never heard this name before.


    Comment by momstheword — November 14, 2005 #

  10. Hi, Shelli–

    “tatterdemalion” means a person dressed in ragged clothing, or a ragamuffin.

    The etymology is considered to be “tatter” from the English for rags or shredded cloth and either Old French “mallion” meaning “swaddling clothes” or Italian “malion” for “undershirt.”

    It is a word you don’t see often, but it was popular in a lot of eighteenth and nineteenth century British literature.

    Comment by Barbara Fisher — November 14, 2005 #

  11. This post has been removed by the author.

    Comment by Charlotte — November 14, 2005 #

  12. OK, let’s try this one again!

    Goodness, your Lennier does look a lot like my Maggie, as you noted on my blog. Maggie is also half-Siamese, although she only looks at the water (from the tub rim) when I take a bath. I can summon her from anywhere in the house by turning the tap on, though.

    And Miss Mommacat Tortiegirl (temporarily known as Dandelion) is Just. Too. Cute. even when she is being devilish. I am tortie-deprived at the moment, so please post lots of pix.

    Comment by Charlotte — November 14, 2005 #

  13. Welcome, Charlotte! Yes–Lennier is a half Siamese, half who knows what (alien–not only does he love to play in water, he likes to eat carrots and apples and drinks apple juice)–and I am just amazed at how much he looks like Maggie.

    As for Miss Dandel–I will devote next Saturday’s WCB post completely to her. She is turning out to be an extremely playful little furperson who loves all the other cats a great deal–which makes me quite happy.

    Comment by Barbara Fisher — November 14, 2005 #

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