A Menu for Hope Update

Can I say this?

I have been keeping a close eye on Pim’s Menu for Hope charity drive for the victims of the Kashmir earthquake, and am thrilled to report that nearly $5,000 dollars have been donated to the cause. That is a great amount of generosity, and I am pleased to be a part of it, and to see love in action. Keep sending the love, people.

And speaking of love in action, I have to point my readers to a beautiful gift promised to the Menu for Hope by a fellow food blogger. Remember when I wrote about cast iron cookware last week, and people wrote in and talked about how attached they all were to their cast iron pots? This emotional attachment is pretty common across the board with cooks, because with cast iron, you have to invest a good bit of time and energy into nurturing it along until it is perfectly well seasoned, and even then, it requires a good bit more care than other pots that you can just toss in the dishwasher.

VK Narayanan, the blogger behind My Dhaba, offered a beloved cast iron kadai–or Indian style frying pan as a raffle gift, and blew me away with the generosity and love that such an offering symbolizes.

I take my hat off to VK–thank you for a heart offering in the cause of helping those in need.

And thank you to all the folks who have given to help the folks in Kashmir. Love is never wasted–it always returns to the giver, multiplied threefold, from the universe.


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  1. Of course you can!

    The outpouring of support is just tremendous. I can hardly believe it. Really.

    Thank you for your help, with the gift and for spreading the words. I am ever so grateful.


    Comment by Pim — December 14, 2005 #

  2. Wow–I just looked at the totals again–and it is over six thousand.

    This is great–I am glad to be a part of this in my own small way.

    Thanks for organizing this, Pim.

    Comment by Barbara — December 16, 2005 #

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