Food Blog Awards Update

The polls are only open for one more week at The Accidental Hedonist for the 2005 Food Blog Awards.

And yes, I am nominated for Reader’s Choice: Best Post for “Meat Comes From Animals, Deal With It, Or Eat Vegetables.”

More importantly, Indira of Mahanandi is nominated for Best Food Blog Recipes and Too Many Chefs for Best Group Blog.

And, if you have never read her, I nominated The Food Whore for Best Food Blog Humor. Go read her and laugh.

And then go vote for her. Because she makes me laugh every time she posts.

There. That is the closest I can get to tooting my own horn.

Tooting other people’s, and then giving passing reference to myself.

I’m going to wash the stove now.


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  1. Most of the time, you don’t need to toot your own horn, Barbara. You couldn’t get enough volume to play over the rest of us 😉

    Good luck, Lady!

    Comment by Dan — January 12, 2006 #

  2. Thank you, Dan!

    Comment by Barbara — January 12, 2006 #

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