Check Out These Three Late and One Missed Entry to The Spice is Right III!

I just wanted to do a quick post pointing readers to three exemplary entries which came in for the Spice is Right II: The Perfumed Garden. Two were late (which is okay, I am not a draconian taskmistress), and one had been emailed to me on time, but I somehow missed the entry.

But they are all so good, I wanted to post the pictures here, and point you back to the round-up post so you can read about them there–they are all just fantastic. I want to make sure that if you read the round-up before these recipes came on board, you give it a second glance now that they are all installed happily in place with the other fifteen great recipes.

The entries include Raspberry Sour’s “Chocolate Rose Cakes,” which are molten chocolate cakes flavored with rosewater, coffee and amaretto, Lindy’s “Radish Cream Soup With Lavender,” which is one of the prettiest soups I have seen in a long time, Vaishali’s refreshing “Low-fat Sweet Lassi With a Hint of Rose,” and Danielle’s “Sour Cherry Sage Flower Jam,” which sparkles like rubies.

These are really lovely entries that I hope you will check out here or at their blogs, because they are really special recipes that deserve a second look.


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  1. Several times in the last few days I’ve thought about this event and just didn’t have the time to grab my camera. The cilantro and thyme plants are flowering at the moment and so I’m throwing their flowers into everything! Especially, the cilantro as I’m trying to encourage it to spend energy on producing more tasty leaves, instead of seeds…

    Ah well, maybe next time. Been too busy with other pressing subjects lately and so I can only participate in my mind!

    Comment by Meg — June 19, 2006 #

  2. Hi Barbara, thanks muchly for the post. You are, as always, a very gracious hostess.

    Cheers, RS

    Comment by Raspberry Sour — June 19, 2006 #

  3. And thanks from me, too, Barbara.

    Comment by lindy — June 19, 2006 #

  4. WHB #38: Elderflower Panna Cotta

    In the north of Germany I had to wait one week longer than Nicky at delicious days in Munich to pick elderflowers. But now the tree next to my garden is full in bloom.Lemoncurry from Kochen für Schlampen posted the recipe a week ago, which I wanted to…

    Trackback by Küchenlatein — June 22, 2006 #

  5. I made a great rose-petal syrup flavored with cloves, but then I got sick, and then I was out of town, etc., etc. I’ll probably post about it anyway. The rose syrup is inspiring–I keep thinking of different things to use it in.

    Comment by lucette — June 25, 2006 #

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