Dad Went Home Today

I just wanted to give the good news that Dad went home from the hospital today around six pm, and he finally ate some dinner, and gets to sleep in his own living room (he is going to sleep in his reclining chair rather than his bed, because he needs to be propped up), much to his great relief and joy.

And much to Mom’s relief, mine, Morganna’s and everyone else’s.

And much to the joy of his kitty, Nimrod, and their dog, Topsy.

I am so glad he is home.

And Mom let me know that she has been looking through the cookbooks I gave her and the notes I wrote for her on healthy cooking.

I am happy that all has turned out well.

Thank you to everyone who sent good thoughts, wishes and prayers. My family and I really appreciate them.


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  1. I am so glad to hear your dad is on the mend. I am intrigued that his dog is called Topsy. My first ever pet (a tortoise), given to me at the age of 4, was called Topsy. In fact she is still called Topsy, she is still alive 37 years later. Now when I think of my Topsy, I’ll think of his Topsy too, and make a little wish that all will remain well with him.

    Comment by sam — February 10, 2008 #

  2. So glad your Dad is doing well enough to go home. Best wishes for a full recovery!

    Comment by Kalyn — February 10, 2008 #

  3. Your dad will be amazed at how well he feels … my mom had a 4 bypass 3 years ago. He may be suspicious about how well he feels … I remember that about my mom. Glad he is home and doing so well. Best wishes.

    Comment by Grace — February 11, 2008 #

  4. It is such a relief to have your dad home. I totally u’stand….I pray that God blesses your Dad with abundant good health & good cheer.

    Comment by Shella — February 11, 2008 #

  5. Dear barbara, am glad that dad is back home… am sure he will recover well and quickly with the love and support of his family…being around loved ones is the fastest route to getting better….good wishes!! cheers!!


    Comment by arundati — February 11, 2008 #

  6. Best wishes for a continued recovery and future good health. ((hugs)) to all.

    I hope he gets a gander at Kat the Littlest Commis … laughter is a great medicine :D.

    Comment by Charlotte — February 11, 2008 #

  7. (Delurking for a minute to send good wishes and good health thoughts to your family)

    Comment by smita — February 11, 2008 #

  8. Barbara… YOU SCARED ME.

    In my upbringing, “going home” refers to a person who is now with their Lord, “Gone home to be with Jesus.”

    I read your subject line and had a mini-heart attack!

    I am GLAD that your father is doing well and GLAD to hear that he is safely and happily ensconced back in his “earthly dwelling” 😉

    Comment by Shannon — February 11, 2008 #

  9. Shannon, I didn’t mean to scare you!

    No, I generally don’t speak in euphemism, and although I grew up knowing folks who would say that “Mr. Smith went home to Jesus,” most of the folks would say, “Mr. Smith passed away.” Or, “passed on,” or just plain old “passed.”

    So I wasn’t thinking about there being an alternative meaning to the phrase “going home.”

    My bad.

    And he is doing well. He slept for ONE night in his recliner and then was like, “You know what, I am renting a hospital bed until I can sleep flat, because this sleeping in a chair thing is really uncomfortable.”

    Yeah. Well, mind you, Mom and I tried to tell him that from the beginning, but he was stubborn. At least he got the bed rented and installed in the living room today before the winter storm engulfed our region–snow, rain, ice, sleet and snow and rain and sleet for a two and a half days. I asked Mom if they had enough grocery store stuff and whatnot in the house for a few days and she said they were fine.

    Which is good.

    Comment by Barbara — February 11, 2008 #

  10. Yay so glad to hear that your dad is feeling a lot better! Sending continued good wishes for a speedy recovery!

    Comment by Mamlambo — February 12, 2008 #

  11. So glad to read your dad’s home, I’ve just been through the same thing with my dad. I picked up a selection of American Heart Association cookbooks at the bookstore near the hospital. They work pretty well if you use them to inspire you to adapt and tweak to make favourites healthier and try new things.

    Comment by Golly — February 13, 2008 #

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