Weekend Cat Blogging: Springheel Jack and Gummitch
Little did I know that other food bloggers besides myself posted pictures of their feline companions once a week–a practice I had gotten out of and was going to return to this weekend anyway.
So, I am joining Clare Eats (Taffy and Kiri), Indira (Kittaya) and Farmgirl (Molly Doodlebug) in posting pictures of my wee beasties in a tradition called Weekend Cat Blogging.
This week’s featured photograph is of Springheel Jack and Gummitch, cuddled up on our bed. The boys looked so contented that I almost hated to photograph them as the flash often causes them to leap away and hide.
But they were really cosy, and I got several shots and neither of them ran off. Instead, they just put their heads down, cheek to cheek and went to sleep.
Jack is the larger of the two tigers and Gummi is the smaller one–he is technically fully grown but he still a small cat in every respect.
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They are adorable!
Comment by Dagmar — July 11, 2005 #
I am so glad that you decided to join us! I will put a link on my blog right away 🙂
Comment by Clare Eats — July 11, 2005 #
Thanks, Dagmar–you should post pictures of your little ones on your blog, too–they are the sweet!
Thank you, Clare–looking forward to showing off the rest of my fur children over the next few months.
Comment by Barbara Fisher — July 11, 2005 #
So cute! I really miss having a cat. Sadly my fur allergies have worsened to the point I can’t even have a Rex like we did when I was a kid. 🙁
Comment by Christina — July 12, 2005 #
Technically, I am allergic to cats, but I develop immunity to my own felines. It is other people’s cats who get to me.
Comment by Barbara Fisher — July 12, 2005 #