The Year In Review: Posts Which Make Me Proud

I decided, in the last few days of this year, to look back over what I had written and pick out a post or two per month which had a lot of meaning for me. Well, I tried to keep it to one or two posts per month, but, well–it just didn’t work out that […]

Hunters, Locavores and Critics, Oh, My!

Hunters have a bad reputation in the United States, and sometimes, I am sad to say, it is warranted. I mean, Ted Nugent’s “Whack and Stack” rhetoric, while it certainly is attention-getting, doesn’t really positively influence the anti-hunting crowd towards changing their minds. The whole NRA mindset that Americans should have virtually unlimited access to […]

What’s So Special About Dinner Specials?

One of the best parts of working as a chef is coming up with dinner specials. It can also be one of the worst parts of being a chef. On the one hand, it is a creative process, and that is always a good thing. Chefs like to flex their culinary imaginations, they like to […]

Michael Pollan On The Farm Bill

We all know what the Farm Bill is, don’t we? Well, in case we don’t, Michael Pollan steps up to the plate and explains the history of it, the significance of it, and the particulars of the 2007 Farm Bill in his recent OpEd piece, “Weed It and Reap.” He notes in his well-reasoned essay […]

Is Alice Waters an Elitist Food Snob?

I had no idea so many people hated Alice Waters. I mean, I thought Hilary Clinton was the American woman everyone all along the political spectrum loved to hate, but after reading the comments on Salon’s recent interview with Waters entitled, “Go Ask Alice,” I may have to revise my viewpoint on that matter. Maybe […]

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