Voting on Issue 2 In Ohio

I have long been pondering the case of Issue 2: a ballot initiative meant to make an amendment to the Ohio Constitution which would create a board of professionals appointed by the governor and the legislature, to make policy and oversee the humane treatment of animals in Ohio farms, as well as making and implementing […]

Why Does Lou Dobbs Hate Vegetables?

OK, that is a sensationalist headline. I’m sure Lou Dobbs, the controversial CNN commentator who doesn’t much care for illegal immigrants doesn’t actually hate vegetables. A more accurate headline would be, “Why Does Lou Dobbs See a Conspiracy In The Lunch Trays of The Baltimore City School System?” But it just isn’t as catchy, so […]

Gourmet Magazine: Going, Going Gone?

I woke up this morning and picked up the October issue of Gourmet Magazine, and started browsing through it while I sipped my coffee. This is not a usual pattern for me–I am not a regular reader of Gourmet, and never have been. But, over the years, I have plucked individual issues off the newsstand […]

Athens Farmer’s Market Toyota Farm to Table Tour–It Sure Was Fun

It was a near-perfect day for a big event at the Athens Farmer’s Market: the late summer sun was bright, the morning air was crisp and the sky was a brilliant cerulean. And when I drove up with my crew, which consisted of Morganna and Brittney, both well-trained (by me) line cooks who now have […]

Toyota Farm To Table Tour Comes To Athens Farmer’s Market

Next Saturday, from 9:30am to 1:30pm at the Athens Farmer’s Market, Toyota will be hosting a Farm To Table event where up to twelve of our very talented local chefs, in partnership with one or more local farmers, will be presenting samples of delicious dishes with ingredients sourced right here in Athens County. Guests will […]

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