What Is The Deal with Fish, Omega 3’s and Mercury?
By now, everyone who reads about food and health should know that seafood, particularly fatty fish such as king mackerel, salmon and tuna, are good for you. They are full of beneficial fats, particularly omega 3 fatty acids, which protect against heart disease, diabetes and help children and developing fetuses build better brains and eyes. […]
On Edible Flowers
Edible flowers were and are all the rage in some culinary circles, but I find many people hesitant either to try and cook with flowers, or to eat them if they are served. This hesitancy probably stems from unfamiliarity with the long-standing custom of eating flowers and using them as flavorings in food. It probably […]
Why I Eat Locally Produced, Pasture-Raised Meats
Allright, let’s talk turkey here. Actually, let’s talk cow. This is all about why I eat locally produced, pasture-raised beef*, even though it is much more expensive than the CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations) or “feedlot” produced, factory farm meats available at every Walmart, Safeway and Kroger’s in the country. My first reason is this: […]
The Paper Palate Doings
I haven’t posted links to the stuff I have written recently for the Paper Palate, so, here is a quick catch-up post to get everyone up to speed. Back on the 21st of last month, I riffed off of a New York Times story that showcased Hedonism and Health, where I urged readers to take […]
Food in the News Returns
It has been a while since I featured food in the news here, so I thought it was time to play a bit of catch-up. Here are a few stories that have piqued my interest in the last couple of days: Grass Fed Beef Found to Be Healthier: The Washington Post reported yesterday that a […]
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