Freeganism: What’s Up With That?

You know, I am not good with extremists of any sort. And that apparently includes freegans. Even when I agree with some portion of whatever philosophy they espouse, there is something unsettling about extremist behavior that sets my teeth on edge. I think it has to do with my inability to respect hypocrisy in any […]

Those Darned Chemicals V: The Final Confrontation

Finally–I have come to the end of the list of those dreadful, evil, awful synthetic chemicals that are allowed to dirty up all of our processed USDA Certified Organic foods. Throughout the duration of this series, I have received emails from various left-leaning organizations, urging me to call my congressfolk over this issue and raise […]

Those Darned Chemicals, Part IV: What, Me, Worry?

I grew up in Chemical Valley. Well, that isn’t the official name of my hometown, but it might as well be. Charleston, West Virginia, the medium-sized capitol of the state, is situated along the Kanawha River valley, where it is bracketed on both the east and west sides with chemical plants. DuPont, Union Carbide and […]

Those Darned Chemicals, Part III: What are Food Additives, and Why Worry About Them?

Since I am doing this series (and I am glad to see that people are enthusiastic about it) on the topic of what synthetic chemicals are allowed in processed foods given the USDA Certified Organic seal of approval, I think I should probably talk a little bit about food additives in general and what they […]

Those Darned Chemicals, Part II: What is Really Going On Here?

Before I continue with my alphabetical list of the thirty-five synthetic food additives that the USDA currently allows food producers to include in products that are granted the USDA Certified Organic label, I want to talk about how I view food additives in general. Food additives are a necessity for most processed foods. Some of […]

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