Those Darned Chemicals

You know, I get curious when I get a whiff that there is a bit of fuss going on over nothing. Or if the fuss isn’t exactly over nothing, it is out of proportion with the cause of the ruckus. After I read the article about the “thirty-eight synthetic chemicals” that the USDA is thinking […]


So, I come back from a wedding spent on a farm in West Virginia where goats, ponies, turkeys, pheasant and rabbits frolicked and huge kitchen gardens produced enough vegetables and fruits for several families, where wild berries grew juicy and sweet in the shade of towering maples and oaks, to see an email that Zak […]

A Beef with the USDA

Some folks might think that it is weird choice for me to illustrate a post about the recent revelation of a second case of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) in the United States with photographs of the steak we had for dinner here last night. I mean, shouldn’t I be eschewing beef, and running out to […]

The Empire Strikes Back

I find it to be so interesting that local control and individual freedom are upheld as patriotic, core American values by talking heads in our country until issues like gay marriage, the USA PATIOT act and local control of the food supply come into focus. Then, suddenly, we have Constitutional amendments, pleas to keep the […]

Breast is Best

Okay, I just read something that got me het up enough to get political in my food blog again. It is about the conflicting messages that nursing mothers are given when it comes to feeding their babies. I got up this morning early to send a fax to my mother, and so, while the fax […]

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