Shopping for Foodies
The title to this post coud be “Why I Like Sur La Table better than Williams-Sonoma,” but it isn’t, because in truth, I prefer a different kind of cookware store altogether than either of the afformentioned choices. I like eccentric, locally-owned places with crowded shelves that bow under the weight of so much cast iron, […]
Ginger Lemon Cookies
I read a lot of cooking magazines, but my favorite one is Fine Cooking Magazine. It is the only one I currently subscribe to, mainly because it teaches cooking technique and in-depth recipes with a lot of photographs that perfectly illustrate tricky processes that are difficult to explain in words. When you see a lot […]
Chambord Souffle Brownies
This brownie recipe has been over fifteen years in the making. Which sounds rather dramatic, I suppose, but it is true. I have been playing with this recipe for around sixteen years, to the point where I am not even sure what cookbook the original came from. All I know is that one year, I […]
Barbara’s Cookbook Gift Guide
This post really isn’t self-serving. It is simply a response to reading the holiday cookbook gift guides in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle. In perusing the professionals’ lists, I saw quite a bit of overlap, particularly between the Times and the Post–to the point that I wonder whether […]
Thanksgiving Report: Cooking a Heritage Turkey
As you may recall, I posted about picking up a heritage breed turkey–more specifically, a Narragansett, from Speckled Hen Farm. And I promised to give a full report on how I cooked the turkey, how it tasted and any differences that there were between it and the usual free-range Broad-breasted Whites that I have been […]
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