A New Way With Sweet Potatoes

I mentioned a few days ago that I could have called 2007 “The Year of Panch Phoron.” Well, the truth is, I didn’t really start cooking with it until March of 2007, so until March 2008, at my house, it is still “The Year of Panch Phoron.” Which means I’ll still be experimenting with my […]

Tasty Retro Holiday Spread: Bubbling Hot Artichoke Parmesan

I don’t have any clue the provenance of artichoke parmesan dip/spread. My suspicions are that it came into existence in the United States between the decades of the 1950’s and 1970’s, probably in a woman’s magazine, either as an article, or in an ad promoting the use of canned artichoke hearts to make an “elegant […]

Baby Blue Potatoes with Panch Phoron and Ghee

I absolutely adore little baby blue or purple potatoes. They are beautiful, with their deeply-hued skins and slightly paler to pastel flesh, and I like the barely sweet to nutty flavor they possess, which is more interesting than many other, plainer, potato varieties. So, of course, I was thrilled two months ago, to find a […]

Harissa: It’s Moroccan, It’s Red, and It’s Hot!

Some like it hot–and some not. I like stuff hot, and as longtime readers of this blog should have figured by now, I will put chilies into anything, including chocolate truffles and brownies. So, of course, since I am learning about and cooking Moroccan foods these days, it only stands to reason that I would […]

A Holiday Sauce Worth Waiting For: Cranberry Sauce with Mulled Wine and Pomegranates

Zak and Morganna don’t like homemade cranberry sauce. They like the jellied kind that comes in cans. I am the exact opposite. I despise the weird jiggly stuff that unmolds in the perfect shape of a can, and which must be sliced to be served, and love the homemade stuff with chunks of fruit and […]

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