Making Flaky, Tender, Delicious Chapati
The very first chapati I ever had was not very good. Mind you, it was made by an American friend whose cooking skills were less than impressive, from a recipe from an American vegetarian cookbook (one of the older ones where the recipes tended toward the “less-than-delicious vegetarian glop dishes” that used to be the […]
Carola: Simply Good Potatoes
“Carola” is one of my favorite all-time potato varieties. Which might seem weird to some folks–I mean, a potato is a potato, right? Well, no. At least when it comes to locally grown or home-grown potatoes, there are distinct flavor and texture differences between potato varieties. The same can not always be said of supermarket […]
Meatless Monday: Eggplant, Squash and Tomato Gratin With Goat Tomme
Happy Independence Day! How about celebrating this year as “Independence from Meat Day?” Or, maybe, “Independence from Corporate Food Day?” Or, even better, “Independent Local Food Producer Day?” Nah, I’m just having fun with the idea of a meatless Fourth of July, which is generally celebrated with grilled burgers, hot dogs, bratwursts, ribs, and steaks. […]
Meatless Monday: Eats Roots and Leaves Salad With Blueberry Balsamic Vinaigrette
And flowers, and fruits. Yes, I named the salad we ate tonight as a play on the famous book on punctuation by Lynn Truss, Eats, Shoots & Leaves. It’s because I used the first two carrots and the first beet that Kat pulled out of our garden plot. The carrots as you can see in […]
Meatless Monday: Grilled Corn With Secret Butter Sauce
I used to love boiled corn on the cob. It was what I grew up eating, in copious amounts. When I was a growing teenager helping out on the farm, I could easily down three to four ears of fresh corn per meal without a thought, along with helpings of the green beans, tomatoes, potatoes […]
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