The Queen of Thai Curries: Green Curry

And now we come to it: my favorite Thai curry of all time. Green curry. I tend to only make green curry in the summer, when the herbs and seasonings that go into it are fresh and readily available, because I am snobby about the curry paste. There is something about green curry paste that […]

By Special Request: Aztec Gold Brownies

Chiles are one of my favorite fruits and flavoring agents in the entire culinary universe. As far as I am concerned, they are among the most versatile of ingredients, and can allow the cook to play with a range of flavor, color, heat and aroma that very few other ingredients can manage. As a result […]

Indian Stuffed Vegetables

One of the most beautiful things about the CSA box is that it is like Christmas once a week. You never know what will be in it, and opening it up is like peeking into a vegetal treasure chest. For the past several weeks, we have been getting delicious baby squashes, but last week, included […]

My New Favorite Cheese Sandwich

Don’t I know that writing about cheese sandwiches is boring, and no one wants to read about them? Yeah, well, I guess that I don’t. Especially since I am writing about my new favorite cheese sandwich in order to tell you about my new favorite cheese. You see, I adore cheese. Before I ever tasted […]

The Shiksa Does Blintzes

The shiksa–that’s me. I call myself that because I am a goyim married to a Jewish fellow; however, I am told by all of Zak’s relatives that I most definately -am not- a shiksa. You see, “shiksa” is a derogatory term for a non-Jewish woman or girl. I don’t take it as a derogatory when […]

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