Cookout: All-American Style? Or, Not….
I get teased a lot for being unable to make “just plain old food.” Like, my macaroni and cheese is not from a box and it contains caramelized onions, fresh garlic and chipotle en adobo, along with at least three kinds of cheese. And my mashed potatoes contain lots of garlic, boiled and mashed with […]
The Great Scape (Garlic, That Is….)
Cooking locally is a challenge to some; to me, it is just good, honest fun. When I combine cooking locally with blogging, everything just gets that much more fun, because I get ideas from other bloggers and from commenters on my blog on recipes to use my newly-found farmers market treasures. Take garlic scapes, for […]
First Pie of the Season: Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble Pie
I know that last month, I promised as the strawberries came into season, to write about a bunch of recipes that used them while they were at their peak of flavor and freshness. And did I do that? No. Why? Because I was too busy eating them up to cook with them. They just tasted […]
Leftovers For Breakfast
I love juxtaposing words with opposite connotations. Breakfast is one of the most beloved meals in any culture. Everybody loves breakfast, and waxes poetic about it. Folks declare the staples of breakfast–regardless of culture–to be the ultimates in comfort food. Leftovers, on the other hand, get a bum rap from most people. Fed one too […]
The Last of the Local Asparagus
Time passes; the season marches forward, and too late, I realize that I didn’t eat nearly enough asparagus. The pound upon pound of it we bought and consumed through the early part of this month was apparently not quite enough to satiate my appetite for the emerald-green and violet spears, but that is life. The […]
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