Coming Home To Eat: Cooking For Myself and My Family

As most readers are aware, we were away for most of last week, visiting Washington DC. We went primarily to view the exhibition of the works of Hokusai at the Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian, but we also ended up wandering around to many of the other museums, including the new Museum of the American […]

IMBB 24: Made It In 30 Minutes

When the Too Many Chefs threw down the gauntlet for this month’s IMBB, I couldn’t help but take up the challenge. Cook a meal, with as much of it being from scratch as possible, within thirty minutes, a la Rachael Ray. One of the charges book reviewers often level at Ray’s cookbooks is that they […]

Key Lime Pie is Not Green

Unless, of course, you are one of those infidels who puts green food coloring in it. In which case, I am not speaking to you. Key lime pie is properly a rich, creamy yellow, from the egg yolks that enrich the citrus-kissed custard that makes up the filling. I did not grow up eating key […]

Meyer Lemon and Ginger Pie

One of the best things about having a food blog is the people you meet. People like the nice lady in California who read the post I wrote about Meyer lemons last year, and commented that if I wanted to pay for the shipping, she would pack me up a box of her Meyers from […]

Navajo Fry Bread

Some say that fry bread came from the time when about 8,000 of the Navajo people were imprisoned at Fort Summer, New Mexico during the nineteenth century. It is said that the Navajos were just given wheat flour and lard to eat–two commodities that were quite foreign to their bean and corn-based diets. Others say […]

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