Birthday Waffle Breakfast

Most people get cake to celebrate a birthday. Not Zak. He wanted waffles and bacon. And, because I am a good wife, that is what I got up early this morning and made for himself, his Dad and Grandpa. Oh, and I had some, too. (And I made fried apples, because I insist that everyone […]

Stretching Dinner

Sometimes at my house, an unexpected guest arrives around dinner time; I notice that this happens more often now that Morganna is living with us. This is not a bad thing at all–in fact, I am convinced that it is a good thing to have friends dropping by. It forces a degree of spontenaeity in […]

Duck Sauce Cookies?

It all started one Yule eve, many years ago (okay, only five years ago) when I had made about six batches of different kinds of cookies that day. And it was late, but I felt that I had one more batch of cookies in me, so I eyed my ingredients store, and cast about for […]

I Dunno, Lad, But It’s Green….

Every time my Mom visits me and ’tis the season, I cook her up a pan of fried green tomatoes (green as in unripe, not green as in a tomato that is green when ripe)–yet another classic southern dish that gives away my hillbilly Applachian heritage. But I do it, because both she and I […]

Seasonal Sunday Morning

Late summer used to be one of the saddest times of year for me. In the middle of the orgiastic harvest, when the fields are knee-deep in ripe tomatoes, when melons are heavy on the vine, and are so sweet that you can smell them from two rows away, when corn and beans and squash […]

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