Simplicity from the Earth
For all that I love to make Asian foods, sometimes, I crave the plain comfort of country foods cooked simply. Last night was one of those times. Zak grilled bratwursts, and while those were cooking, I put a pot of some tiny Russian Banana fingerling potatoes on to boil in thier skins. When I was […]
Cooling Dishes for Hot August Nights
Cold dishes are an important part of the cuisines of the Indian subcontinent. Not only are they served chilled or at room temperature to contrast with the dishes which are served warm or hot; they often contain herbs and vegetables that are considered to be cooling to the human constitution, and so are considered as […]
Calico Salsa: It is All About the Tomatoes
I wait the entire year for summer tomatoes. The rest of the year, I don’t bother eating any fresh tomatoes. There is no point. The hothouse or hydroponic tomatoes in the grocery store do not even deserve the name, “tomato,” they are so unlike the real article–they completely lack the flavor, texture and juice of […]
Uncle Wiggly’s Good Time Cooking Contest: Version Weekday
It is all Dr. Biggle’s fault. I just found out about the cooking contest he is holding over at Meathenge yesterday, so of course, I had to jump in at the eleventh hour and think of something fun to toss into the fray. The idea is to present a weekday dinner, something that I make […]
Crispy-Chewy-Oniony Goodness: Scallion Pancakes
Scallion pancakes. Mmmm. Scallion pancakes. Such is the power of the pancake, that last night when Zak and Dan were sitting around the kitchen, keeping me company, and I was rolling the dough out into flat rounds, Zak looked up and said, “What are you doing?” “Making scallion pancakes.” His eyes lit up and he […]
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