Am I Blue?
No, I am not blue, but my berries are. Saturday at the Farmer’s Market, the dance of the summer season is in full swing; while the flood of strawberries is starting to dwindle, the cherries are in their prime, and blueberries are just starting to appear in gorgeous array. The colors of blueberries are amazing. […]
Cherry Memories
Sour cherries are my favorite fruit and always have been. Yes, even as much as I love strawberries, I love cherries even more. When I was a little girl, I never wanted Grandma to make me a birthday cake. When she asked me what kind of cake I wanted her to bake for my birthday, […]
Whispered Secrets of a Kitchen Tantrika
A batch of Aphrodite Cakes decoratively piled under a cake dome. The cake dome is to protect them from rapacious felines, friends and family who cannot wait until after dinner to taste them. So, a reader asked if my cookies were orgasmic, and I promised to answer in the next few days or so. They […]
Pasta Primavera
The ingredients for my lemon pasta primavera. Everything except the lemon is locally grown. It all begins at the farmer’s market Saturday morning. The sun was bright, the air was warm and breezy, and the parking lot upon which the tents and awnings had been staked was filled with a teeming throng of shoppers, people-watchers, […]
Summer is a comin’ in
Summertime, and desserts are easy: Strawberry Rose ice cream with more strawberries on top. Homemade, low sugar and simple, that is, if you have an ice cream maker. Okay, I know that technically, it isn’t summer yet. Summer doesn’t start until after the summer solstice, which is coming up in a couple of weeks or […]
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