Sweet Seasonal Shoots

Best simply dressed: asparagus with a bit of butter, lemon juice, lemon zest and pepper is a seasonal treat. Speaking of eating locally and in season, let’s talk about asparagus. It is one of those foods that, when it is in season, I will gorge on. I am the same way with strawberries (as if […]

Strawberries, as God Intended

“Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God ever did.”–William Butler 1600. As you most likely noticed in yesterday’s photograph, I aquired some fresh, (just picked yesterday morning, in fact) locally grown strawberries, and I must tell you, they were a far cry from the plastic nubbins of nonsense that are sold […]

Blueberry Whole Grain Tea Bread

Zak liked this bread better than the Harvest Fruit Bread; but I don’t agree. It is just a matter of personal taste–I like all the chewy, nutty goodness of a whole grain bread, and he likes a finer textured bread with fewer inclusions. The white flecks in the picture are whole grain oats that have […]

Zak’s Cardamom Boule

Cardamom boule with a platter of pear and apple slices, havarti, gouda and good roast beef. In the background is the banneton Zak used for the final rise of the bread. I have been promising to post the recipe for this bread once Zak was happy with consistent results and felt that it was perfect. […]

A Baking Mood

Harvest Fruit Bread is filled with nuts, whole grains, seeds, cranberries and apples and is flavored with honey, cardamom and cinnamon. It goes very nicely with cream cheese blended with honey and walnuts. A mood has come upon me. A baking mood. I am having the urge to fire up the oven and bake tasty […]

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