Sweet Success
An apple raisin galette flavored with a bit of rose extract and wild berry glaze. Faithful readers may remember my admission that I am fumble-fingered when it comes to pastry, and that I had vowed within this year to become better able to make pies that not only tasted good, but looked like something other […]
Scary Cookies
If this wasn’t a legitimate news outlet, I would be suspicious of this story. Two young girls baked cookies and tried to give them to a neighbor, but she was afraid because they knocked on the door after dark? And then, not only does she not open the door to see who it is and […]
Pastry for Butterfingers
My Grandma baked the most beautiful pies. Part of their beauty rested in her ingredients; she only used lard, rendered from the hogs she and Grandpa raised, and the flavor was exquisite. Rich and full of the wonderful brown flavors that still speak to me of earth and its bounty. The texture was perfection itself; […]
Hillbillies, Greens and Pigs
West Virginia is a weird place. Anyplace that is known for moonshiners and Mothman is bound to be seen as a tad bit odd. But I am not talking about hillbillies and banjos here. Well, not directly, anyway. I am talking about food and culture. I can hear it now–you are laughing and saying, “West […]
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