Preserving the Beauty of Tomatillos For Winter

Tomatillos are a gorgeous fruit, and they are an integral ingredient to one of my favorite cooking sauces from North America–salsa verde. The fruit, which is encased in a papery husk like a leafy Chinese lantern made of mulberry paper, is often thought of as simply green in color, but the truth is, the hues […]

An Early Summer Country Classic: Creamed New Potatoes With Peas

Eating the local foods of early summer should never be anything but a sensual pleasure. I always feel privileged to have grown up tasting the turn of the seasons, my body sustained on what grew from the labors of my family tilling the red clay soil of my grandparents’ farm. Our bodies themselves were made […]

Wholly Vegetarian Refried Beans (Which Taste Like They’ve Been Cooked With Pork)

I grew up eating lots and lots of dried beans, simmered on low heat all day, in a big pot, seasoned with a ham hock. My favorites were pinto beans, which were usually served in a bowl with diced raw onions on top and cornbread on the side. They may or may not have had […]

Autumn Roots and Lamb Stew a Great Welcome Home

I know that a lot of people prefer eating out all the time to cooking at home. I, however, am not one of those folks. After being forced to eat out for three weeks straight in Columbus, Ohio, and having to limit our choices to a few places downtown in order to stay close to […]

Christmas (Limas) in September (And a Rumination on Chowder)

One of the best things about the farmer’s market here in Athens is the fact that the folks here often grow unique varities of vegetables that you just don’t find in most markets, even farmer’s markets, elsewhere. For example, look at those lovely beans above. Are they not just the prettiest things? Don’t they look […]

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