Seasonal Sunday Morning
Late summer used to be one of the saddest times of year for me. In the middle of the orgiastic harvest, when the fields are knee-deep in ripe tomatoes, when melons are heavy on the vine, and are so sweet that you can smell them from two rows away, when corn and beans and squash […]
Posted by Barbara on September 11, 2005 in Recipes: Almost Vegetarian, Vegetarian and Vegan, Recipes: American Regional, Recipes: Appalachian Hillbilly, Recipes: Comfort Food, Recipes: Fruits and Vegetables, Recipes: Original | 11 Comments
Sunday Breakfast, Fresh and Local
The ingredients for a mostly local, fresh Sunday breakfast. As many of you know, I tend to emphasize eating a lot of fresh, locally produced foods. Not only are you getting something that tastes amazingly better than what you get at the grocery store, you are usually getting more nutritious food and you are helping […]
Posted by Barbara on June 6, 2005 in Local and Sustainable, Recipes: American Regional, Recipes: Bread, Pasta, Grains, Recipes: Original | 8 Comments
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