Evil Genius Food Porn: Bacon-Filled Waffles With Chili-Fried Apples
This dish is so good, yet so bad for you. There really ought to be a law against this kind of cooking. In fact, I reckon that there used to be a law against such things, back in the day when churchmen were so worried about the status of everyone’s mortal souls that laws were […]
Baby Beets With Balsamic Honey Glaze and Garam Masala
When I was a little girl growing up on my grandparent’s farm, my least favorite vegetable was beets. I loathed and despised them–I thought that they tasted like dirt. Paradoxically, I used to love helping Grandma can and freeze the bounty of our gardens (every year we grew two one-acre plots–enough to feed the entire […]
Enchanted Forest Pasta: It’s Local And Seasonal
Today was a gorgeous spring day: the sun was bright, the sky was a perfect robin’s-egg blue, and flowers bloomed, filling the birdsong-laden air with fragrance. Zak’s favorite tree is blooming, the tree that always says “springtime” to him–the redbud. A native to the eastern US, particularly the Appalachian mountain regions, the redbud is a […]
Appalachian Pasta Primavara
Spring is finally in full swing, with sunny days, cool nights and the warming earth is sending forth shoots, leaves and flowers to be enjoyed by all who long for fresh green vegetables after a winter of potatoes, turnips, squash, and frozen and canned veggies. This recipe came out of what was in my refrigerator. […]
Sauerkraut Braised in Beer: An Early Spring Delight
Yes, sauerkraut is a spring vegetable. Yes, it is made in the autumn, and eaten all winter, but the last of it is also eaten in the early spring, before the emergence of the first spring greens, asparagus and peas. Well, it is eaten in the spring if you made enough of it to get […]
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