I Hope You Like Jammin’ Too
‘Cause I been doin’ a lotta jammin,’ and I wanna jam it wid you. Last year, I only made strawberry jam, and I THOUGHT I made enough for last at least part way through the winter, with something like 12 half pints, but I was so wrong. WRONG because Zak liked it so much that […]
Harissa: It’s Moroccan, It’s Red, and It’s Hot!
Some like it hot–and some not. I like stuff hot, and as longtime readers of this blog should have figured by now, I will put chilies into anything, including chocolate truffles and brownies. So, of course, since I am learning about and cooking Moroccan foods these days, it only stands to reason that I would […]
East-West Fusion: Kimchi-Style Cucumber Pickles
I love pickles. When I was a little kid, around five years old, my mother caught me drinking pickle juice right from the jar. This disturbed her greatly, not only because I had ruined a jar of pickles by putting my germy little lips on it, but, because she was sure that much acid was […]
Savoring the Fruits of the Season: Spiced Blueberry Applesauce
I love applesauce, but generally only when it is homemade. When I was a kid, my Mom and both grandmothers ruined my ability to eat store-bought applesauce by making it from scratch from really good apples. Compared to the somewhat chunky, thick, tart-sweet and cinnamon-laced concoctions they made the applesauce from the store tasted like […]
Preserving the Beauty of Tomatillos For Winter
Tomatillos are a gorgeous fruit, and they are an integral ingredient to one of my favorite cooking sauces from North America–salsa verde. The fruit, which is encased in a papery husk like a leafy Chinese lantern made of mulberry paper, is often thought of as simply green in color, but the truth is, the hues […]
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