Baking Again: Rasberry Rose Crumb Bars

One of those rare baking fits has come upon me, and I have no idea why. It isn’t that I want to eat sweets, necessarily. I am still more likely to crave beans, rice, corn tortillas and a good stir fry than sweets. But I have the desire to bake sweet things and then feed […]

Sometimes, You Just Have To Make Cookies….

Try as I might to be a good Mom, and feed wholesome, nutritous food to myself and my family, I have discovered that sometimes, you just have to make a batch of cookies. Sometimes, that is just all that will do to quell the cravings of the teenager who comes home, hugs me and says, […]

Ginger Lemon Sandwich Cremes

I have a confession to make. I buy cooking magazines, and I read them. And I see recipes that sound interesting, but I seldom actually use them. I mean, other than looking at them and thinking, “What a good idea,” then running into the kitchen to recreate a dish like it from memory, I don’t […]

Ginger Lemon Cookies

I read a lot of cooking magazines, but my favorite one is Fine Cooking Magazine. It is the only one I currently subscribe to, mainly because it teaches cooking technique and in-depth recipes with a lot of photographs that perfectly illustrate tricky processes that are difficult to explain in words. When you see a lot […]

Chambord Souffle Brownies

This brownie recipe has been over fifteen years in the making. Which sounds rather dramatic, I suppose, but it is true. I have been playing with this recipe for around sixteen years, to the point where I am not even sure what cookbook the original came from. All I know is that one year, I […]

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