Sichuan String Beans with Bacon
I’ve already posted two different version of Sichuan string beans–both of them dry fried. There’s the more traditional one with pork and a vegetarian variation. There’s a reason I’ve done two different versions of the recipe–it’s one of my favorite Chinese dishes ever. I’m in good company–it was also Zak’s Grandma Doris’ favorite Chinese dish. […]
Meatless Monday: South Indian Style Vegetable Saute
No, this isn’t traditional. At least, I don’t believe it is a traditional Indian dish. It’s possible that I hit upon a cooking method and ingredient list that is used in some of the South Indian states as a traditional dish by sheer luck, in which case, if there’s a real name for this, please, […]
Meatless Monday: Caramelized Sweet Corn
I’m certain that all of you know that corn isn’t really a vegetable, but is actually a grain. But in the summer, when sweet corn is young, full of sugary plump kernels, bursting with flavor, we eat it like a vegetable. And generally in the summer, we eat it on the cob. Why? Well, it’s […]
I Dunno, Lad, But It’s Green….(Cilantro Pesto)
I used to be a pesto purist. Which meant I made it only out of Italian basil, pine nuts, garlic, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and olive oil. And I eschewed pestos made of other, untraditional herbs, cheeses and greens as being inferior copies of a perfect Italian sauce. Pesto was only made of Italian basil, […]
Twisting Traditions: Eggplant and Pork with Garlic Sauce (and Green Beans….)
Eggplant is one of my favorite vegetables of all time. Even though, when I was growing up, it only appeared on my Grandma or Mom’s tables fried with marinara sauce (and there’s nothing wrong with that, mind you), fairly early on in life I was introduced to moussaka and baba ganoush through Mom’s Greek friends, […]
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